TV District Board Minutes– February 5th, 2025
TV District Board Meeting~ 02/05/25
Randy, Wayne, Amanda
Minutes from December Meeting were approved~
No financial report
Old Business– Plevna Cable is fixed. Direct Electric fixed the issues they needed too. Tower is good. Charlie received all his financial compensation and only has a couple small things to do with the upgrade project. Utility bills are current. Southeast Electric (200.000 (180.00) MDU (37.00)
New Business– Wayne emailed the PBS email stating that they are in the beginning stages of getting rid of satellite and moving fully to fiber optic. The small glitches that we have experienced are getting ironed out. PBS is not a Miles City channel, Kyus us a commercial channel that sold will not be broadcasting out of Miles City any longer. Paul Gutouski is interested in helping us use the college as the host. They have a communications program that has all equipment except for a few things that would be beneficial to broadcast from Miles City Glendive and Billings. This is very Hypothetical and in the very beginning preliminary stage of ideas and communication. 4 additional channels with the use of an additional antenna would be broadcast through the fiber optics we have just upgraded here. This would also open our area to a few more channels from the surrounding states and stations.
Plevna would be a good host from the county road to the tower for hard wire if we proceed with additional broadcasting channels. Verizon wants to move a crane out to their project on Bracket Butte and after the road to the tower is plowed out then Wayne will go back out for minor maintenance. There have been a couple stations including KVN that they are having a few issues with. We are unsure if that is a broadcast channel problem or equipment problem currently.
Charlie does have to come back to Baker when the weather clears up, for the adjustments on cables. Not a major issue right now. HAM radio operators would like to tie into our fiber optic ethernet cable. They can expand their distance if they go WIFI. They did give financial compensation of $100.00 for housing their equipment in our building for a year. All they are using is fiber optics. The Fallon County Commission has been emailed about a binding contract with HAM for continued cooperation on the building. Wayne ordered a new satellite dish box splitter for and will be putting it in and will submit that bill it is total 139.00- Approved for reimbursement form the board. A new checkbook will be ordered- Approved by the board.
Randy recommended that HAM gets their own insurance and have a liability waiver for use of the building. WBI only has 24 months left on their agreement as well that needs to be reviewed. Wayne suggests that we have a meeting with HAM, WBI, Mid Rivers and landowners about contracts.
The financial report for this meeting was not available. We will include this month and next month’s financial standings in the following meeting minutes.
Next Meeting – Wednesday March 12,2025 @5:30PM
Notes Respectfully Submitted-
s\ Amanda Frickel 2/5/25