10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

TV District Board – November 2024

TV District Board – November 2024

TV District Meetings Minutes

Wayne, Randy, and Amanda Present

Went through the financial report- Wayne says it’s stable for now but we need to find a way to bring in more revenue. 33,511.15 is what is showing for both budgets.

Had a glitch or a problem creating a decrease in channels. Baker is up and running, Plevna is up as of today. 11/20/24.

Wayne is going to talk to Charlie about the possibility of a surge protector for the tower housing.

The 8th of December is when Charlie is scheduled to be here to start the installation of new equipment. 3 Units, 1 Main and 2 Splitters~ Then there will be 2 more units in Baker added 1 in Plevna for a total of 6 units.

Plevna will also have a total of 6 units after complete installation.

The board agrees it’s important to talk with the County Attorney and decide what authority we have as far as implementing costs and or how we come up with that number. There will be a meeting set up with her after installation at some point. Hopefully before the end of the year.

By mid-December everything should be broadcasting from installation and updates. Glendive station was sold. Billings will be broadcasting.

Next meeting December 18, 2024

Welcome to our NEW website address: FALLONCOUNTYMT.GOV
Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving