10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana


runway 31 aerial



Lat/Long: 46.3466111,-104.2581111
Elevation: 2980.7ft / 908.5m
Variation: 09E (2015)
From City: 1 mile SE of Baker MT
Time Zone: UTC-7 (UTC-6 during Daylight Savings Time)
ZIP Code: 59313

Airport Operations

Airport Use: Open to the public
Activation Date: 12/1938
Control Tower: No
ARTCC: Salt Lake City Center
FSS: Great Falls Flight Service Station
NOTAMs Facility: BHK (NOTAM-D service available)
Attendance: Monday – Friday 0800-1700, Saturday 0800-1200
Wind Indicator: Lighted
Segmented Circle: Yes
Lights: REIL RWY 13 & 31; PAPI RWY 13 & 31; MIRL RWY 13/31 OPR DUSK-0500Z+ AFTER 0500Z + ACTVT – CTAF.
Beacon: white-green (lighted land airport)
Operates sunset to sunrise.

Airport Communications

CTAF: 122.900MHz
WX ASOS: 135.475MHz or call 406-778-3312


Airport Services

Fuel Available: 100LL Jet-A+
Parking: Hangars and Tiedowns
Airframe Service: MAJOR
Powerplant Service: MAJOR
Bottled Oxygen: None
Bulk Oxygen: None

Runway Information

Runway 13

Latitude: 46-21.156182N
Longitude: 104-15.958067W
Elevation: 2961.6 ft.
Traffic pattern: left
Runway heading: 129 magnetic, 138 true
Markings: nonprecision, in good condition
Visual slope indicator: 2-light PAPI on left (3.25 degrees glide path)
Runway end identifier lights: yes
Touchdown point: yes, no lights

Runway 31

Latitude: 46-20.437607N
Longitude: 104-15.014708W
Elevation: 2980.7 ft.
Traffic pattern: left
Runway heading: 309 magnetic, 318 true
Markings: nonprecision, in good condition
Visual slope indicator: 2-light PAPI on left (3.00 degrees glide path)
Runway end identifier lights: yes
Touchdown point: yes, no lights

Airport Ownership and Management

Ownership: Publicly-owned
Owner: Baker City and Fallon County
PO Box 846
Baker, MT 59313
Phone: 406-778-2883

Manager: Roger Meggers
PO Box 979
Baker, MT 59313
Phone: 406-778-3508

Airport Board Minutes

  • Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes January 10th 2024
    Minutes Baker Municipal Commission January 10, 2024 Convene:  Called to order at 12:15 by Mark Jacobsen Present: Mark Jacobsen – Member John Tronstead – Member Darin Meggers – Asst. Manager Roger Meggers – Airport Manager Sheila Ware – Acting Board Secretary Absent: Dennis Twedt – Chairman – available by phone Dale Hinton – Member Rod…
    Read more
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