10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes October 11th 2023

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes October 11th 2023

Convene:  Called to order at 12:08 by Chairman Dennis Twedt


Dale Hinton – Member

Mark Jacobsen – Member

Dennis Twedt – Chairman

John Tronstead – Member

Rod Johnson – Member

Darin Meggers – Asst. Manager

Roger Meggers – Airport Manager

Sheila Ware – Acting Board Secretary


Craig Canfield – KLJ

Justin Zindell – KLJ

Minutes/Financials Review & Approval:

Minutes from the last meeting on August 9, 2023, and the Financial Report for August 2023 were reviewed.  Roger confirmed the accuracy of the financials.  Dennis suggested a motion to approve.  John Tronstead motioned to approve as written, seconded by Mark Jacobsen. All voted Aye.

Airport Updates:

Roger informed the Board that the installation of the new LED beacon will take place at the end of the month.  He informed the Board that Baker was awarded a $16,000 grant from Montana Aeronautics for the replacement of the existing beacon.  Once the beacon has been installed and the final project costs are known, KLJ will request disbursement of the grant.

Unfinished Business:

Roger notified the Board that the new fuel building, constructed by Baker Metal will be completed and installed by the end of the month.  He noted that the final cost for the building was $1,500 less than the proposal provided by Griffith Steel. Craig inquired as to the final cost for the fuel building.  Roger stated the design is well done, with 2” of insulation for a total cost of $6,100.

New Business:

Roger advised the Members that the County Commissioners recommend an increase in annual hangar lease rates and cold hangar monthly rates starting January 2024.  Roger stated that the annual hangar lease rate has been $50 for many years with no increase.  After discussing this with Darin, Roger and Darin proposed increasing the annual hangar lease rate to $75/year.

Roger informed the Board that the current cold hangar rate is $125/month.  Darin and Roger propose increasing the monthly cold hangar lease rate to $150/month.  The increase should help the County Commissioner offset the cost of insurance for the hangars.  Craig stated that the cost for a cold hangar in Billings is anywhere from $300-$400/month depending on the type of airplane.  Dennis inquired how hangar leases are billed.  Roger stated that monthly, quarterly, or yearly invoices are sent, depending on how the customer prefers to pay.

Dennis proposed a motion to approve the annual hangar lease rate to $75/year and cold hangar lease rate to $150/month.  John moved to approve the motion to increase rates.  Rod seconded the motion.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

Rod questioned how the new fuel system was functioning?  Roger said the new system is very good and is functioning well.  He mentioned that there was a slight issue last week when the pumps displayed an error message.  Darin added that the pump dispensed fuel, approximately 10 gallons, but it did not register the dispensed fuel.  After a call to QT Pod, it seems the issue has been resolved.

Craig updated the Board that the implementation and all phases of installation of the new fuel system are now complete with only a few minor items left incomplete. Final payment to Young Gun Construction will be made once these items are completed.  The one-year warranty for the fuel system commenced on June 30, 2023.

KLJ is working on the FAA Final Project Report and will be submitted within the next month.  Fallon County had funded $345,000 for the fuel system upgrade. A grant application has been submitted to reimburse Fallon County for the remaining eligible project costs.  The new grant will be 90% funded by the FAA.  It is anticipated that the second grant will be awarded by the end of the year in the amount of $345,000 minus 10%.

Craig stated that the total project cost for the new fuel system was $990,000.  The cost to pull old underground tanks was $76,000.  The first grant paid $666,666 of eligible costs.  The second grant will pay $324, 000 in eligible costs.  This will result in a $34,000 cost to Fallon County for the updated fuel system.

Craig updated the Board on the new CIP.  KLJ spent all funds on the new fuel system.  The 2024 FAA fiscal year began October 1, 2023.  The FAA fiscal year 2024-2030 Capital Improvement Plan has been submitted to the FAA. 

The first project will be to rehabilitate the old apron area.  Water under pavement has eroded the stability.  Craig proposes Geotechnical work on the apron to see what the issue is and if there is a need to install an underdrain system beneath the apron. The geotechnical work will determine the soil, drainage, and the cost of the project.

Craig told the Board that FAA funding is tight.  It is very difficult to obtain discretionary funding from the FAA.  It is projected to take until 2027 to reconstruct the apron and rehabilitate the taxi lanes in front of the hangar.  To mill and overlay or reconstruct the lanes is to be determined.

Craig inquired if there were any revisions needed to the CIP submitted to the FAA?  Rod mentioned the parking lot near the heated hangar.  Roger informed the Board that scoria had been laid down but it should be paved.  Darin added that the auto gate needs to be relocated as well. Roger also wanted a revision to be made to the FAA CIP to include a parking lot near the annual lease hangars.  Craig stated that he would include the parking lot designs on the revised CIP and will be TBD projects.

Craig inquired as to the workings of the runway lights.  Roger cited that they were working well with the exception that some are bad.  If a bulb burns out, the sign goes dark and requires some effort to locate the burned-out bulb to restore the sign to functionality.

Dennis asked about pavement maintenance if they were resealed in the spring?  Roger indicated that resealing was scheduled for spring 2024.

Additionally, Roger updated the Board regarding a new culvert needing replacement.  Dennis asked if it was due to water damage.  Roger affirmed that the culverts had been in place for forty years and badly deteriorated. Mark queried if this was the same culvert that was recently repaired.  Roger notified him that that culvert was replaced, and this is a new one.  Roger hopes to have an AIP to fund the culvert repair project. 


At 1:05 PM, Dennis proposes a motion to adjourn.  Rod motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mark.  Motion carried.

The next meeting is set for November 8, 2023, at 12:00 PM                                                  

s\ Chairman, Dennis Twedt                                                        s\ Act. Secy. Sheila Ware

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