10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Baker Rural Fire District – February 13th, 2025 Meeting

Baker Rural Fire District – February 13th, 2025 Meeting


PRESENT: Chairman; Turk Stark, Vice Chairman; Randy Hoenke, Treasurer; Dick Chester, Trustee; Chris Meccage, Trustee; Fred Hoff, Fire Chief; Tom Bruha, Secretary; Stephanie Croy GUEST: Bryce Kramlick

A motion was made to approve the presented minutes of the January 9, 2025 meeting by Dick. The motion was 2nd by Randy. Motion carried. All Aye.

OLD BUSINESS: Chris mentioned he heard Chuck was in the area working on a project. The boarding is hoping to have some luck getting in touch with Chuck to find out about the building he was to have done. Tom will again try to reach Chuck and get some answers.

Last meeting there was some discussion about the outside lights. Tom was able to get more quotes from Direct Electric. After some discussion Fred made the motion to get the new lights for the outside of the building. Dick 2nd the motion. Motion carried. All Aye.

Tom was asked to do come looking into prices for air masks for the guys. He was able to find three different brands. After a brief discussion the motion was made to purchase the air mask and storage bags by Dick and 2nd by Randy. Motion carried. All Aye.

A while back there was discussion about how some trucks pumps would lose suction while going downhill due to the pumps being located at the back of the tank. There have some a few of the tanks refurbished with a 2-inch pvc pipe added to the location of the pump to now reach the middle of the tank and pull water. This will help solve the problem of the pumps losing suction.

NEW BUSINESS: Chris had some sad news to share with the board today. He is having to step down from his roll on the board. He and his family are going to be leaving Fallon County. There was much discussion on who could fill his position. The board wishes Chris the best of luck on his new adventure. Unit #490 is about finished. They needed to order a TCM that was wore out. Randy thought the part should be here tomorrow. Fred made the motion to pay the bills. Chris 2nd the motion. The following claims were approved to be paid:

Tere being no further business to come before the board. Dick made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Chris 2nd the motion. Motion Carried. All Aye. The meeting adjourned at 8:02 P.M.

s\Chairman s\Secretary

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