Commission Agenda – February 17-21, 2025
PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Chairman; Roy Rost, Vice Chairman; Mandi Varner, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder
The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.
No one appeared for Public Comment.
9:45 AM PRE-DISCIPLINARY MEETING DECISION/Amanda Frickel, DES & 911 Coordinator; Julie Straub, HRM
Commissioner Braun asked Amanda if she would like the meeting to be closed or open. Amanda chose to have the meeting open. Commissioner’s Braun and Varner conducted independent interviews with some of those individuals mentioned from the pre-disciplinary meeting with Amanda, held on February 13th. The findings from those interviews garnered many differences from the information given to the Commissioner’s by Amanda. Commissioner Braun stated Amanda lied to this Commission among we don’t know how many things; this relationship is broken. Commissioner Rost was really hoping Amanda would have gotten hold of Commissioner Varner or Braun over the weekend before this meeting but that did not happen. Amanda’s lack of urgency is concerning to him. Commissioner Braun asked if there was any further discussion from either Commissioner. Commissioner Braun asked if there was a motion to move forward with termination of Miss Frickel from Fallon County as the DES Coordinator?
Commissioner Rost made the motion to move forward with termination of Amanda Frickel as DES Coordinator. Commissioner Varner seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked if there was any further discussion from either Commissioner. Commissioner Varner stated, this decision was not taken lightly by her. She knows this is her career and her family and this isn’t easy. Commissioner Varner hopes that they can both move forward and learn and grow from this. Commissioner Varner added she thinks Amanda is a very smart and talented person and she really, really truly thinks she has a bright future and hopes that she does not take this negatively and can move forward in a positive manner. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Braun stated there was a letter prepared that Amanda could read. This will be effective immediately.
9:51 AM Commissioner Braun will turn the chair over to Commissioner Rost and escort Ms. Frickel to her office and will recess until 10:00 AM.
10:00 AM ROAD UPDATES/ Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics
Carl-Working on a couple of CAT blades; ordered some new seats. RDO delivered the track hoe for the Landfill on Friday. Still addressing the transmission code for one of the John Deere blades.
Bobby-RDO will be doing a training on the track hoe when the weather warms up. The Commission would like to join the training and asked who would be attending, Mitch, Carl, Bobby, Jeff and Paul from the Landfill and possibly a few others from the road crew. The 2nd bucket will arrive at a later date. They are plowing snow where needed, hopefully this is the last of the cold weather. Commission expressed staying safe and warm. Bobby is out and about staying in touch with his guys.
10:06 AM Vice Chairman Rost ended the discussion.
10:30 AM PROJECT UPDATES/ Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Rich Menger, Sanitarian
Discussed the email from Matt Waite, DEQ regarding the Golf Course permitting process. Shannon feels he can answer all of the questions and can make those updates. Rich reminded everyone that all the values can change based on precipitation. The Commission agreed to have Shannon proceed with the updates to the design report and send it in. Commissioner Varner questioned if there was a design report for the current irrigation system. Shannon stated we do not have anything pertaining to the current irrigation system. Commissioner Rost suggested having Linda Rost complete the calibration test to save time and money; this would not be the official test.
Matt did not answer Shannon’s questions about water rights and use of the water. Rich stated testing will not start until weather permits and then we will hopefully have a greens keeper hired.
Shannon reviewed the plans for the county parking lot overlay project with the Commission. Contacted Sheriff Harbaugh about possible drainage issues in the fenced area. Trenton stated there have been no problems the last 10 years and is not sure how the drainage is laid out or how it works. Discussed changing the direction of drainage and making sure water drains to the street and not adjoining neighbors. Commission granted permission to prepare to go to bid.
Commissioner Braun stated we will move right into the next meeting
10:58 AM PERMISSION TO ADD ABSINTHE WORMWOOD TO THE COUNTY WEED LIST/ Sara Berger, Weed Control Coordinator and David Kirschten, County Extension Agent
Sara stated David had brought the fact that absinthe wormwood was within Fallon County, last year during a weed board meeting. This is easily eradicated, except on a dry year. Sara would use the same chemicals she uses for most other noxious weeds. Plants can contain an abundance of 50,000 seeds per plant; as with most weeds travel by wind, creeks and animals.
Commissioner Rost motioned to add absinthe wormwood to the Fallon County Noxious Weed list. Commissioner Varner seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for the discussion-50,000 seeds per plant, travels by wind, to the water and possibly deer and antelope. Any further discussion; being one. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion Carried unanimously.
11:00 AM Commissioner Braun ended the discussion.
Rich explained he can use 20% of the Junk Vehicle program funding for removal of RV’s and mobile homes. Baker Metal is the local hauler used for these types of things for the program. Rich has a number of projects in mind in the Baker and Plevna area for the use of those funds. Commissioner Rost explained the county program whereby a person removing an old house or mobile home from their property receives a refund of 50% of the tipping fees after final inspection of the property. Rich is in hopes he can use this program for some mobile homes/buildings that he needs to have removed for health and safety reasons. This would also save the program funds for more projects. Rich stated this would also have to be approved by Brian Sullivan, Fallon County Health Officer as well as himself, Jeff and the Commission. Jeff said he will make it work and the Commission will make the program whole. The Commission stated RV’s are not part of the county reimbursement program, they would have to be hauled by Baker Metal.
Disposal Rates-Discussed a separate rate for cement as it takes up a lot of room. Would like to charge $75 per ton; unless combined with house removal project (that would still be the C & D rate). Discussed increasing MSW rates for out of town by $2.00 per ton; bringing the rate to $37.00 per ton. Discussed increasing the local MSW rates by an additional $2.00 per ton as well. Will discuss this with the City of Baker before deciding on a possible increase.
11:46 AM Commissioner Braun ended the discussion and recess until 1:15 PM
Lynda was unable to attend.
PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Chairman; Roy Rost, Vice Chairman; Mandi Varner, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder
Cindy Irgens, Recording Clerk joined to ask if the Commission has any plans for the Man Camp area. Has a bunch of research to file away but wanted to ask first. Commission has no plans at this time.
Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Cindy Irgens, Recording clerk
1:27 PM COUNTY ATTORNEY WORK SESSION/ Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney
1. Draft/Review Golf Course Etiquette MOU
Waiting for the Golf Course Board to review. Commissioner Varner stated they had a Golf Course Board meeting last night but only one person was in attendance. Commissioner Braun asked Darcy to forward the MOU to Zach Varner, Golf Course Board President.
2. Update on dec. action
Cindy and Darcy will get together to double-check what all may be needed and get this back on the agenda.
3. Review/Decision on list of County Road Types
Did not receive until Friday evening and did not have time to work on this due to preparation of dec. action.
The Commission and Cindy would like to have the list of Road Definition Types and Updated Road Statuses ready for the GIS Work meeting with Kady (which will be scheduled for a later date). The work meeting will also entail training of the program.
Rural Addressing Policy and Procedure
This was further discussed and will require some more updates and placed on the agenda again.
Road Petition–
Further reviewed and discussed other changes; Brenda will discuss thoughts on a fee with Cindy Irgens, Recording Clerk.
EBMS Health Insurance HIPAA Notification Update
Darcy, Debbie and Josh Lewis, IT had phone meeting with the attorneys used by the County’s Cybersecurity Company (Cowbell). Discussed using the attorneys outside of the claim but feel that is not necessary. Debbie is still waiting to hear from EBMS. EBMS will send all of the information to the affected employees. They have asked EBMS to draft the notices and send for review by Debbie and Darcy before mailing them out to the affected employees. They are in hopes this will all be done at no cost to the County. The Commission wants a notification sent to all insured employees of both Fallon County and FMC. Debbie will contact EBMS about getting the notices ready for review and mailing. Darcy stated we also want copies of the notices, with verification of the actual date sent. Debbie will also close the claim with Cowbell.
2:15 PM PERMISSION TO HIRE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK/ Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder; Julie Straub, HRM
Would like to hire Melodie Bertsch as the Accounts Payable Clerk for the Clerk and Recorders Office.
Commissioner Varner motioned to grant permission to hire Melodie Bertsch as the Accounts Payable Clerk in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion; Commissioner Rost asked what the start date would be. Start date of February 28, 2025. Commissioner Braun asked for further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.
2:17 PM Commissioner Braun ended the discussion and recessed until 2:30 PM
Commissioner Braun moved to Item #2a. under Executive Action Items
- Approve February 10-14, 2025 Commission Minutes
Commissioner Braun stated the approval of the February 10-14, 2025 Commission Minutes will be postponed.
The following motion was made at 9:25 AM on February 20, 2025.
Commissioner Varner motioned to approve the February 10-14, 2025 Commission Minutes. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.
2. Executive/Action Items:
a. City Cost Share Decision/Steve Zachmann-Mayor-City of Baker; Kevin Dukart, City Clerk; Kathy Newell, Clerk; Kimberly Jensen
Mayor Zachmann and Kevin Dukart were presented cost share information to review. The Commission would like to take a slight increase in the City’s portion of the cost share for the building. The Commission felt 5% was adequate. This will be taken to the City Council meeting and put back on the Commission agenda.
Discussed increasing the City’s portion $2.00 per ton for household garbage. They will crunch some numbers and see what they come up with and bring this before their City Council as well and bring back to be placed on the Commission agenda.
b. Approve Fair Contract(s)/Cup Guy-$4,400.
Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the Fair Contract for the Cup Guy in the amount of $4,400. Commissioner Varner seconded the Motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
3. Old Business as needed
a. Decision on Fairgrounds Message Display Board and front entrance sign/gate
Make this an agenda item with Jennefer and as many Fair Board Members as are able to attend.
b. Decision on Road Petition
County Attorney will get final draft to us for the agenda.
c. Decision on Rural Addressing Policy & Procedures
Put back in County Attorney work session.
4.Approve February, 2025 Mid-Month Claims
Commissioner Rost motioned to deny the claim for the MT Association of Geographic Information Professionals in the amount of $50.00. Commissioner Varner seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
2:45 PM Commissioner Braun ended the discussion and recessed until the remaining claims are approved.
3:28 PM Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the remaining February, 2025 Mid-Month claims in the amount of $327,719.85. Commissioner Varner seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
5. Review Department/office reports/sign journal vouchers/encroachments (as needed)
3:30 PM PLANS & EXPECTATIONS FOR RIMS IN DISPATCH/ Brenda Hoeger, Emergency Communications Dispatch Supervisor; Trenton Harbaugh, Sheriff; Julie Straub, HRM
Discussed receiving more training for the Dispatchers to allow for full and proper use of the RIMS system. Trenton recommended Brenda Flint, Clerk/Detention Center train everyone. Brenda Hoeger stated she would make sure everyone knows this will be mandatory training presented by Brenda Flint.
Discussed any change to be submitted to Brenda Hoeger in writing. She will make sure everyone is made aware of all changes and it will be kept in the manual made by Brenda Hoeger, for all RIMS info/training. Discussed possibly getting additional outside training as a refresher.
Discussed Commission versus Sheriff supervising Dispatch and what that may look like. Discussed splitting 911 from the DES position and what that might look like. Julie discussed the DES position would not be a full time position without 911 included as it is now. May need to make revisions to the 911 Board.
Will need a plan for everything discussed and make final decision before budget (July 1st).
Julie and Brenda Hoeger will reach out to Brenda Flint on Thursday, February 20th and set up a meeting to schedule training. Brenda Hoeger will reach out to try to get the Training Module set-up on the training computer again. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled with this group to update on training progress, etc.
Discussed process of DES/911 as of today. Commission will visit further with Carter and Wibaux County Commissioners and DES Coordinators and use them as resources in the interim.
4:05 PM Commissioner Braun ended the discussion; being no further business, recess until 8:15 AM Wednesday, February 19, 2025.
PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Chairman; Roy Rost and Mandi Varner, Members; Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary
9:30 AM GIS WORK SESSION-LIBRARY EOC/ Kady York, Brosz Engineering; Cindy Irgens, Recording Clerk; Megan Slagter, Clerk; Josh Lewis, IT
This meeting will be rescheduled.
Barry Damschen and Mary introduced themselves to the new Commissioner. Updated on meetings with the County employees at the landfill. Discussed timeline and expense for expanding the landfill; life of the landfill is sixty years, and adding a site would require a new license. Discussed possible investments to assist with the cost for opening up a new landfill in sixty years. Reported on end of year results for methane monitoring, annual inspection report for DEQ, and the updated post closure cost estimate to close the landfill.
12:07 PM Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder joined the meeting.
Discussed the CD account for the closure and post closure amounts.
12:13 PM Brenda Wood left the meeting.
Presented an updated annual consulting contract.
12:15 PM Commissioner Braun ended the discussion. Recess until 1:15 PM.
Recess until 8:00 AM Thursday, February 20, 2025
8:00 AM MEET AND GREET SENATOR SHEEHY’S STATE DIRECTOR/ Brook Metrione, Senator Sheehy’s State Director
Brook introduced herself to the Commission.
Commissioner Braun ended the meet and greet. Adjourn until Monday, March 3, 2025
s/ Kevin Braun, Chairman
s/ Roy Rost, Vice Commissioner
s/ Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary
s/ Brenda J. Wood, Clerk & Recorder