10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes – January 23-27-2023

Commission Minutes – January 23-27-2023



PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.



          Commissioner Rost made the motion to adopt Resolution 1103 to establish a Shooting Range Development Program with Montana Fish Wildlife Program grant assistance.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 nays.  Motion carried unanimously.

10:05 AM ROAD/SHOP UPDATES/Mark Sieler, Road Superintendent; Mitch Overn and Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics

         Road Updates-Discussed the possibility of Road Department cleaning out the pond at the Golf Course.  Mark did not think they would have enough reach with the backhoe.  Will probably get a contractor to do this while the ground is froze.  They are hauling gravel on the Webster Road via Highway 7. Commissioner Rost asked if they would take the Old Baker Highway if it was opened. The road is opened but Mark did not feel they would. Discussed the Bergstrom Hill Road Project; Mark feels it would take the road crew 2 months, using one scraper.  The Commission discussed going to bid for gravel.  Mark felt the road crew would move to the Anticline Road after finished with the Webster Road. Discussed possible work on Wade Sikorski’s road.

         Shop Updates-After an incident with the senior bus, the shop mechanics made sure everyone was able to get the handicapped door open.  Outside Maintenance ordered a piece to repair the trim at the senior center. Currently working on trailer brakes and s-cams. As soon as RDO has a loaner blade available they will take county blade to replace the harness; this will be warranty work. Mechanics will get in touch with Kevin Hill, Golf Course Superintendent, to set up a time to rebuild the mower deck. 

10:13 AM Mark, Mitch and Carl left the meeting.

10:30 AM PROJECT UPDATES/Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering

Approve invitation to go to bid for gravel purchase

          Specs were reviewed for the gravel bid purchase; the Commission wants to purchase 50,000 yards and it must be located within Fallon County.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to go out for bid for 50,000 yards of gravel located in Fallon County, per specifications.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously. 

Bergstrom Hill Road decision/approval to proceed with final plans and invitation to go to bid

          Discussed Wade Sikorski’s comment regarding the fence that borders this project.  Once the fence is removed it will not need to be replaced (this would only be where the fill section is, which is approximately 500 to 1000 feet).

          Shannon discussed submitting a joint application for this project to see if cultural and wetland mitigation is necessary. This cannot be submitted until April 15th; the Commission feels county roads and projects for county roads should be exempt from this process. Shannon explained regular maintenance is exempt but grading changes generally fall under the Corp of Engineers. Wetland delineation is not something Brosz Engineering will complete; they contract out. The cost for this is approximately $15,000, if it is not waived. The estimate for the wetland delineation and the survey will be approximately $50,000.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to move forward with the Bergstrom Hill Road Project. This would include proceeding with the joint application for the cultural and wetland mitigation, legal survey and task order for the design.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

Approve 6th Street West Box Culvert replacement project joint application

          This project is similar to the 5th Street West project; the design was mimicked from that box culvert project. Shannon had questions about the applications, due to changes. As soon as the application is complete Shannon will send it to the Commission for signatures.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the joint application for the 6th Street Box culvert Project. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.  

Approve County property survey request estimate and work order

         The work order was completed to perform a legal survey and prepare a COS.  The Commission made the decision to wait to see if the appraisal is received.

10:58 AM Julie Straub, HRM joined.

Discuss/Decision regarding Golf Course permit mapping

          Richard Menger, Sanitarian visited with Shannon about putting a map together from the lagoon to the golf course. Shannon stated they would have to have a drafter complete the work.

11:00 AM Lisa Mitchell, EMS Program Manager joined.

11:05 AM Shannon left the meeting. 


          Lisa brought EMS training manuals for the Commission to view training materials required of those that wish to become an EMT. The Commission asked what Darryl Espeland does for Emergency Medical Services. The Ambulance Service operates under Darryl’s license.  There are many things that cannot be done without Darryl’s signature, and he is willing to sign off on their education. 

          Commissioner Braun stated you are not the current educator; felt the Commission agreed Lisa would keep licensures up to date.  Lisa answered, no, they are responsible for keeping their education up to date. Commissioner Baldwin stated, the Commission gave you the latitude to do this on your own time, as a contractor. Lisa stated it had been removed from her job description. Lisa can train on her own time, makes sure they have the correct information to keep their licensure and enters it into the computer. The average age for volunteers is 50 years and older. That is one problem when it comes to volunteers. The amount of education and the expectations are a lot for people to commit to.

          Commissioner Baldwin asked if there was anything the Commission could do to encourage people.

Lisa provided an informational sheet with her thoughts on recruitment, as well as a thank you message from a member of the Community to be passed along to those that went on a previous transfer. 

           Commissioner Rost asked about Bullet point #4 on Lisa’s list.  “People in the Community have read the minutes. Those I have talked with will not work for Fallon County and/or are angry with the “disrespect” (not my word) local government has shown our EMS providers.  Proof of this is evident with the months of time FC employment opportunities remain open or reopen.  We have lost great employees due to an inability to withstand the abuse of power practiced”. Lisa stated those are the things she hears and is why they cannot get people to commit.

          Commissioner Braun stated, in January, 2021 Lisa told the Commission she had 12 people signed up and ready to take the course. Lisa responded, she had contacted them, and they were no longer interested. 

          Commissioner Braun read the maintenance of licensure from the job description.  “Maintains licensure and registrations of Fallon County EMS with required governmental entities.  Verifies licensure status of current and/or new volunteer EMT’s including confirmation of any required education”. Lisa stated we cannot cover all the education, they have to go to symposiums, etc.

           Some people Lisa contacted said they were intimidated by submitting a letter of interest. She explained, when they come to the first training we explain the process and the expectations; Lisa has them sign an agreement.  The letter of interest was something that the county decided to do the last time.

           Julie asked Lisa if she had trained anyone since her tenure. Commissioner Braun asked when was the last time you trained someone. Lisa stated a former potential EMT was going through the course in Ekalaka while she was working, but she has not had anyone complete the course. Lisa suggested putting the ad back in the paper but have a specific meeting night. They can come to the station to see ambulances and find out the expectations. Once the education is complete, Lisa feels that is when we would go out for applications. I may be defining recruitment differently and admitted she had not conducted an EMT course.

          Commissioner Braun feels we should recruit and then train.  Lisa asked for clarification and stated you lose half of those individuals halfway through. Even through the college in Miles City, they also cannot get people to stay. Lisa questioned if there was something that could be worked up to do a waiver of liability, to ride along, before they can get licensed, etc. Julie will check with insurance. Lisa stated there are several ambulance services that offer a ride along. There is no patient care involved, just observation. Lisa also stated they recruited an individual that was an RN before. That individual stated it was completely different than being in a closed environment; that person still had to complete a lot of education, even though they were an RN.

          Commissioner Baldwin stated, the Commission has a document to present to you (Lisa). This information was provided to the County. Lisa was presented with a document containing texts between herself and a potential new volunteer candidate.  Lisa stated, yes, she remembered the conversation. That portion of the conversation is when she was mad. Commissioner Baldwin asked if Lisa had read it all.  Lisa stated she knew what it said; further stated that was a private conversation where she let her emotions get out of hand.

          Commissioner Baldwin stated he was disappointed; how do we recruit? Lisa stated we don’t recruit one.  Further stated that was not the entire conversation that she had with the individual. Commissioner Baldwin read the contents from the presented document of which Lisa stated she wanted it to fail.  From the presented document: “On a side note and don’t repeat this…I don’t want anybody to take the class because I want HR and the Commission to fail”. Lisa stated she did not want it to fail; she was trying to make a point. 

          Commissioner Braun read from page 5 of the presented document: “I’m not trying to be a crybaby but I’m kind of bitter”. Commissioner Braun stated the problem he has is, the county could have trained one person; we are never going to get the group of 5, or 3, etc. in Baker. If you have one person that wants to be trained, they should come on over. Commissioner Braun spoke to the potential volunteer candidate from this conversation; that person stated, “Why would they want to take a course when that is the conversation, they had with the EMS Program Manager. Lisa stated she was bitter, she was mad.  Commissioner Rost asked if Lisa was still bitter. 

          Commissioner Braun asked Lisa, if you were in our position, what do you think we should do?

Lisa stated this was a private conversation between the two of us. Commissioner Braun stated, to a new recruit. Lisa stated the individual was not a new recruit. Commissioner Braun responded that individual was trying to be. Commissioner Rost added, the individual was a new recruit, that was how that person (from text message) got hold of the Commission.  Commissioner Rost further commented on Lisa wanting the County to fail; EMS is the county, not your program. Commissioner Braun stated, we had a potential new recruit, and that person looks at that coming from the leader. Commissioner Baldwin asked why would I want to join if the leader does not want others to join.

          Lisa stated she has had many conversations with people that do not want to work for the County. Lisa referred to the potential volunteer stating, you know the individual is in nursing school. Commissioner Braun stated because of the text information received, we know that individual wants to. Lisa spoke to the existing EMT’s and they all said that individual could not do it due to the amount of education an RN has to take. Commissioner Braun stated that was not their decision. Also, asked Lisa, is your recommendation, we drop this? Lisa stated she could apologize. Lisa stated this person did not last at the hospital, only made it two weeks. Julie asked what that had to do with this. Lisa stated it shows that individual does not follow through.

          Commissioner Rost stated, this is one conversation and asked if there were other conversations with other individuals? Commissioner Baldwin stated we want to succeed. Commissioner Rost again asked if she had other conversations. Lisa stated she had not. Commissioner Braun asked what do you tell them. Lisa tells them to read the minutes. Lisa apologized for the comments made when angry.

             Commissioner Braun stated there are lots of conversations amongst those in the Community that people do not understand.  Also discussed everyone wants EMS to succeed. Lisa stated she did too.

Commissioner Braun stated he was extremely disappointed. Lisa responded, yes, you can be, we all get disappointed.

             Commissioner Baldwin stated the thank you letter, from the member of the community, you brought in about the run was awesome. Julie stated, we have to find one path forward. There have been concerns almost from the time you became Director. Julie said Lisa previously admitted lying to her about holding EMT classes; you have said there is an alleged roster of 12 individuals. Lisa did not recall a lie or alleged roster of 12.  Lisa explained the 12 were before the pandemic; Lisa was ordered to stop education by Darryl Espeland. Commissioner Braun discussed when he was first in office, in January, 2021, Lisa told them she had a list of 12. Then from there the number decreased.

             Commissioner Braun stated there has been a lot of talk about HR, he has dealt with HR since 1995, with Mid-Rivers. Whether people like HR or not, be careful what you wish for; HR is a necessary entity.  From now on, when we recruit, we are going to go through HR no matter what.  HR is there for the benefit of the employee.  We are going to go through it properly, per the State of Montana.  Lisa questioned, for a volunteer service?  Commissioner Braun and Baldwin responded, yes. Lisa stated we have to be the first entity to do it this way.  Commissioner Braun asked how other entities do this?  Lisa stated the way I suggested; they are going through the group. Commissioner Rost stated we are not getting there through that process; further stated he has been here 6 years and we have not recruited.

             Lisa stated EMS has not dropped a call, refused a call or had the inability to staff until this last year. During the day is compromised due to the restrictions placed on Lisa. Commissioner Rost discussed a time when no one was on call and it was a long time before they could get anyone; it was on a Saturday. Lisa stated that has never happened. Commissioner Baldwin told Lisa Trent informed the Commission Lisa had told him there would be no coverage over a weekend.

             Julie stated we need to move forward from here.  Lisa asked if it was the Commission’s final decision to go through HR. Commissioner Braun stated HR needs to be involved in the recruitment process. Lisa asked if the County would pay them after they are recruited.  Commissioner Braun responded they will start with the recruitment process and then submit a letter of interest.  Lisa asked if they are put on the payroll after that.  Commissioner Braun responded; no they have to take the classes. Commissioner Baldwin added, they could possibly do the ride-a long thing after we check with insurance.

             Lisa stated some agencies are doing a pay as you learn but those are full-time services. Commissioner Rost asked, when training an EMT, have they gone on runs? Lisa stated, no, because it was not cleared through HR and the Commission. 

             Julie stated, the recruitment process for an EMT is to submit a letter of interest, not an application, then complete the EMT course. This is an extended version of how we recruit; submit an application, then interview, and background checks.  The course is the interview. Commissioner Braun added, they get education, which is not part of HR. They have to get licensed; at that point the county can say, you passed, do you want to be a volunteer for Fallon County? Lisa felt the county would be putting a lot of money into them. Commissioner Baldwin stated that happens. Commissioner Braun added, if they become an EMT what do I care. They can pay the $250 and when completed, if they stay with us, they can get their money back. 

             Commissioner Baldwin stated, we want to support our people, they are our greatest asset.  Lisa stated, everyone is struggling to get EMT’s. The Commission agreed, we need to proceed and wondered, from the texts reviewed, are we moving forward without an educator? Lisa stated the Commission has had no conversations with her as to what it would entail, what amount of time she would have to invest? Commissioner Braun stated the Commission discussed education and Lisa being reimbursed for supplies and payment for her time as a contractor. Julie stated, Lisa, conducting a class is daunting. The Commission stated they need to know. Lisa responded, there have been a lot of changes made to the training process since the pandemic; they can do a lot of stuff online. Lisa would do the skills portion of the training. Commissioner Braun stated, the county would pay for the online training. In house training-The county would pay for Lisa to do it or go out for someone else to do it. Julie asked Lisa if this was something she wanted to do; to be responsible for the course. Lisa stated, yes and the online portion can be done at home and then Lisa could do the skills on a Saturday. This has taken a huge chunk out of the amount of time Lisa would have to train.

           Julie stated if they are a nurse or in college, makes no difference. Lisa feels that is Julie’s opinion, this takes a lot of commitment.  The Commission responded, If we have one individual and they move forward, we are not going to discourage anyone. The Commission asked Lisa not to have those types of discussions outside of the county, it solves nothing. Julie asked the Commission if they had anything else to say regarding the person that brought forward the text messages. The Commission told Lisa not to hold the other party responsible for sharing this with the Commission/HR. Lisa stated there would be no retaliation.  The Commission stated, if Lisa has problems, she should bring them before the Commission. Lisa again apologized.Commissioner Baldwin stated he appreciated Lisa’s candor and thanked her. Lisa stated she was sorry. 

12:06 PM Lisa and Julie left the meeting.

12:08 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.

Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

          NOON RECESS

PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



          No one appeared for Public Comment

1:25 PM Derrick deHaan, Fair Board Member joined.

1:28 PM Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manger joined.


          Jennefer stated the FairBoard would like to up the purse for the rodeo. They would go back to three (3) events.  The purse has to be $150,000 or more. The events would be break-away, saddle bronc and bare back. 

The total would be $130,000 for the Fair-$10,000 for seven (7) events and $20,000 for three (3) events; $25,000

for extreme broncs.  They have a board meeting tonight so wanted to get Commission approval before that.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the purse request if $130,000 for the Fair and $25,000 for Extreme Broncs. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

          Jennefer reported there is water in the women’s restroom, located in the barn, again. Also, discussed the walk-in doors and lighting for the barn need to be replaced.  These items should be placed in the budget. Jennefer is going to post the paid arena users, in the barn, hopefully that will remind others to pay.


          Discussed the plan for City of Baker to resume taking over the City Parks. A list of questions from the city was sent to the Outside Maintenance Supervisor to answer. This will better assist the city at budget time.  Discussed questions regarding mowing the green spaces from old car wash to WBI. Steve will visit with Robbie about this. Walking path-discussed sweeping the Millennium sidewalk. They will visit with Robbie about this also. They will need the 2011 toro base machine and the 2012 broom to be returned as well. The ice rink was filled but is not completely filled and has not been swept off. The city would like to have a key for the warming shed, by the rink.

         Received new garbage truck; it has been put in service and is working really well. Public Works took care of the water/ice issue on the box culvert by the city park. Discussed cleaning the creek channel of debris and weed build up.  The Commission asked about raising the small walking bridge in the City park. The County has box culverts engineered to accommodate hydrology needs; the small walking bridge is an obstruction and impedes the flow. SID 36 meeting will be held the second week of March. Currently planning to repair a portion of 6th Street West as well as replacing some water lines, in addition to the other street work, through an SID. Discussed placing a parking lane on 6th Street West, which will add to the cost of the project. The county will also be completing the box culvert project on 6th Street. They are also working through the de-annexation of the Eagle Land Subdivision. There are concerns regarding this process due to items that will affect the City of Baker. This is one direction the City of Baker can grow; this would be detrimental to the growth of the City of Baker.  The Public Hearing will be held February 1st. hearing.

2:23 PM Steve and Kevin left the meeting.

2:25 PM Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering joined. 

2:27 PM Tom Bruha, Baker Fire Chief; Vern Stark, Randy Hoenke, Richard Chester, Bryce Kramlick and Chris Meccage, Baker Rural Fire District Board Members joined. 

2:28 PM Steve Zachmann joined. 

2:30 PM EXTENDING WATER LINE AND INCREASING FLOW ON 6TH STREET FOR FIRE HALL TRAININING PURPOSES/Tom Bruha, Baker Fire Chief; Baker Rural Fire District Board Members; Steve Zachmann, Mayor-City of Baker; Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering

          Since the City of Baker is in the process of redoing 6th Street West Tom had a thought he wanted to propose.  There is currently one fire hydrant on the east side of the Fire Station. There are issues with the fire hydrant freezing and has low pressure. Would like to propose running a water line to the hydrant from the city water well.  They feel by creating a loop this would keep the hydrant from freezing and would increase the flow.  They will also be able to get a line and hydrant to the Fire Department lot south of the Fire Station.  They want to use this site for training purposes. 

         The projected cost is expected to be approximately $110,000 to $150,000 for 900’. The Fire Department Board does not feel they should have to pay for it. Vern stated this is not in the budget, so they would have to put it in the 2024 budget.  Vern explained the Fire Department is on one side of the street and will benefit everyone.  Steve Z. stated the City of Baker will be the owner of the line and will be responsible for maintenance. Tom explained by doing this it will help the ISO rating which affects everyone’s insurance.  The ISO rating is currently a class 5. The City is already at their funding limit but they do feel this is a good idea. 

          Vern stated the Fire Department is worried about spending their funding on this and not having enough funding for trucks, etc.  Commissioner Baldwin discussed the amount of funds the BRFD Fund currently has available. Vern discussed protecting their capital funds.  Shannon explained they need to know if this is a go so it can be included in the current plans. Commission discussed the BRF District paying for this now and the county including as repayment in the budget for next FY.

          Shannon explained the projects will be bid as 5 schedules, which could be separate contractors for each schedule.  This can easily be tracked separately so they aren’t paying for the project twice. Vern explained they will have to vote on this as a Board.  If this portion of the bid comes in high, the city can continue on with the rest of their project.

3:02 PM Fred Hoff, BRF District Board Member joined.

Shannon will submit the plans with the looped lines; he can change the plans, if needed, after the BRFD Board meeting.  Discussed the timeline of the project.

3:07 PM Everyone left the meeting.

3:11PM Richard Menger, Sanitarian joined regarding storage unit.

          Rich feels he will be done with the Golf Course irrigation O & M manual by the end of this week.

Inspections are going well.

3:14 Rich left the meeting.


          The Commission reviewed revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas.

3:20 PM Julie Straub, HRM joined.

         Julie asked if the Commission had a chance to look at the proposed work week plan (scheduled hours) for the Road Department.  Julie asked if the Commission would be open to doing this on as a trial run and they could monitor productivity, accidents, etc. This could be a good time to engage and decide if this is workable to try. Discussed getting a plan together; they would only use up to 40 hours of leave rather than 50 hours. They holidays would still be 8-hour holidays.

Julie left the meeting-3:35 PM

Decision to reallocate Fallon County allocated National Opioid Settlement Funds to another participating Subdivision or State of Montana abatement accounts fund

          No decision at this time.

Review opencut violation letter and paperwork

          Road Department is taking care of this matter.

Decision on PV1 pull station repair; fire alarm report/certificate to close out project

          Commissioner Baldwin will contact Johnson Controls.

Approve quote for low water cutoffs for PV boiler

          Second quote has not been received.

Memo from Commission regarding Multifactor Authentication

          Memo will be sent to the County Departments/offices.

Review FY22 Annual Financial report

          Reviewed by the Commission. 


Commissioner Rost made the motion to accept the January 9-13, 2023, Commission Minutes. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously. 

Commissioner Braun made the motion to accept the January 16-20, 2023, Commission Minutes   Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously. 

4:30 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to Recess.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays.  The motion carried unanimously.




PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder


Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator; Julie Straub, HRM joined.

The group met to review information before the meeting.

11:55 AM Barbara Ketterling, Treasurer/Assessor; Julie Post, Deputy Treasurer/Assessor; Curt Wyss, Auditor

12:00 PM Tiffany Sanders, Treasury; Sonia Powell, State of Montana -Office of the Governor, Single Audit Coordinator, Turner Kimleon, Treasury Chet McLean, Montana State Internal Control Coordinator, Curt Wyss, Auditor for the County; Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney; Cheryl Gray, MT Department of Administration

Tiffany reviewed the background information of the Title 5 Cares Act which established the Coronavirus Fund. Treasury sent funding to the states, of which Montana received $1.2 billion dollars.

The Treasury office received a complaint stating this funding was used by Fallon County to provide bonuses to full time first responders.  

Sonia discussed how much of the funding was specifically sent to Fallon County.

Tiffany asked when the proceeds were transferred to Fallon County; was the funding awarded on a reimbursement basis. Curt-Yes, reimbursement.

Tiffany asked if there was an agreement between Fallon County and the State-Cheryl stated yes there was an agreement between the State of Montana and Fallon County.

Tiffany asked about the terms of the agreement and how are they monitored.

Cheryl-The terms of the agreement were in alignment with the Federal Government and the Treasury. Monitored through the reporting information provided.  I don’t think you mentioned the reimbursement was also for Public Health and Safety Workers. We (the State of Montana) have no record of providing reimbursement for bonuses that had been stated in the complaint.

Cheryl-In every case we had five (5) reimbursement cycles. Each county would provide information to the State and everyone signed off on that.  Fallon County provided all receipts and reports and we have not seen anything related to bonuses.

Tiffany-Moving on to the county; have or were there any bonuses provided or any plan to provide bonuses? 


Turner-Fallon County has this included, or does this include overtime and hazard pay?

Curt-Overtime, (if there was any), and regular time, no sick or vacation time and no hazard pay.

Cheryl-No, we did not pay for sick, vacation or hazard pay.

Curt-That was not allowed, correct?


Tiffany-That is all of our questions you seem to be familiar with guidance and we have no further questions unless someone else does. The State does not have further questions.

Commissioner Baldwin-Where do we go from here?

Turner-We will compile what information we have received today with the data in the system and the State of Montana.  Anytime we hear bonuses, we have to follow up.

Tiffany will follow up with Sonia on total proceeds and dates.

12:10 PM Danielle Vincent, DOA-Bureau Chief joined. 

Treasury-Has no additional questions. State of Montana has no further questions.  County has no further questions. 

12:18 PM-Everyone left the room or left the Teams Meeting, therefore leaving the meeting.

12:25 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to adjourn.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.   Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously. 


                                                                                                                s/Steve Baldwin, Chairman


s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk & Recorder

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving