10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes – July 29 – August 2, 2024

Commission Minutes – July 29 – August 2, 2024

MONDAY, JULY 29, 2024


PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Vice Chairman; Roy Rost, Member; Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary

ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.


    Teresa Christensen asked the Commission to consider closing off the west side of the Triangle Park Gazebo, by the old boat dock. There is a concern for the children’s safety due to increased traffic. The Commission will visit with Robbie Christiaens.

9:04 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.


    Commissioner Rost and Commissioner Braun sent out the test notification to county employees.

9:30 AM WEED UPDATES/ Sara Berger, Weed Control Coordinator; Julie Straub, HRM

    The Commission notified Sara of the common wormwood growing near the lagoon pumphouse.

    1. Seasonal Weed Crew supervision plan.

        Board members, Dave Kirschten and Amanda Frickel volunteered to supervise the crew starting September 3rd. The whole board is willing to cover supervising when needed.

    2. Review/Decision on quote for shop overhead doors.

         The Commission approved Shaun Crisler’s quote for the amount of $1,800.00.

9:36 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

9:45 AM Mark Sieler, Road Foreman and Carl Overland, Shop Mechanic joined the meeting.


     Tom Johnson, IState Truck Center Representative joined the meeting and Tom Hodgson, Westlie Truck Center Representative joined the meeting. Tom Johnson explained the estimated delivery dates are delayed due to backlog and supply-chain issues for both dealers.

IState Truck Center:

2025 MY Western Star model 49X day cab tractor

Purchase Price – $144,158.00

Estimated delivery date is on or before January 1st, 2025.

Westlie Truck Center (2 quotes):

2025 Freightliner Cascadia 126 inch day cab tractor

Purchase Price – $145,605.00 (Cummins X15)

Purchase Price – $143,276.00 (Detroit DD15)

Estimated delivery date is on or before January 1st, 2025.

10:01 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

10:13 AM ROAD & SHOP UPDATES/ Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Mitch Overn/Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics

     Bobby and Mitch were unable to attend the meeting. Carl updated on county vehicle maintenance. Road crew is graveling on the Old Baker Highway; from Willard South to Bergstrom Hill Road.

10:16 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

10:27 AM PROJECT UPDATES/ Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Richard Menger, Sanitarian

    Discussed chlorine levels for the golf course irrigation pond tests. Plan to add a fountain or two to the pond to help with reducing the residual chlorine in the pond. Shannon informed the Commission of a windmeter that Midland Implement sells; would automatically turn off the irrigation system when winds reach twenty-five miles per hour. Discussed updating the system to follow DEQ regulations. Shannon reported on several zones that will need electrical and control modules replaced.

10:47 AM Rich left the meeting.

    Currently waiting for a response from USACE after turning in the guaranteed credits letter from Duck’s Unlimited for the Bergstrom Hill Road project.

    Shannon reported on the reason for having incomplete scans for the GIS road platform; documents prior to 1932 road plat book were not scanned. Brosz will return to review, verify and scan the missing documents. Discussed roads that the Commission will be reviewing to verify classifications for the GIS road platform.

10:56 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

11:11 AM INSIDE MAINTENANCE UPDATES/ Lynda Herbst, Inside Custodian Supervisor

    1. Discussion/Decision on MTI quote.

         Lynda explained the MTI quote being for the HVAC system security. Currently waiting to speak with a representative for further clarification on coverage and duration of coverage.

    2. Discussion/Decision on Courthouse AC Unit repair or replacement.

        Lynda reported on needing to water the AC Unit when it is hot for the Courthouse; concerned about the water filtering into the pit underneath. The Commission advised Lynda to replace the AC Unit.

11:17 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

11:26 AM DISCUSS/DECISION ON EMS EVENT PRICING/ Brittany Renner, EMS Program Manager

    SoleStone Reimbursement requested EMS rates for billing. Brittany contacted several surrounding counties for reference. Discussed base rates for BLS (emergent) and ALS (non-emergent) runs. Discussed services and events that would be billed to the County for tracking purposes. Brittany will bring a draft base rate sheet for approval at a later date.

11:42 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion. Recessed until 1:15 PM.

                           NOON RECESS


PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Vice Chairman; Roy Rost, Member; Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary

ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman



    No one appeared for Public Comment.


    1. GIS road research and classification.

        Discussed road classifications for past roads; will compare several roads to verify classifications before going forward with the GIS road platform. Discussed substantial and prescriptive compliance regarding case law. Discussed draft road petition to abandon county roads. Discussed road definitions and easements for the GIS Platform.

    2. Baker & Plevna Senior Center transfer of ownership and lease agreement.

        Discussed changes needed for the lease agreement; Senior Citizens will manage the cleaning and the utilities. The County will manage inside and outside maintenance for the Senior Centers. Discussed allowing the Senior Citizens to sub-lease for Senior and community purposes, but any other purpose needs written consent from the Commission. Darcy will make the changes to the lease.

    3. Ag easement for Randy Tunby.

        Discussed waterline map. Discussed timeline and clauses to be added to the easement.

    4. Airport hay lease.

        There was no discussion at this time.

2:36 PM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.


       Trenton was unable to attend the meeting. Julie formally requested to begin recruiting for a Deputy Sheriff as per the succession plan.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to recruit a Deputy Sheriff. Vice Chairman Braun stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; Commissioner Rost asked about advertising and the closing date; Julie confirmed that ads were ready, and the position is open until filled with first review of applications on August 23rd. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin) The motion carried.

3:01 PM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

3:15 PM DISCUSSION/DECISION ON AIRPORT INTERMITTENT POSITION CLASSIFICATION/ Roger Meggers, Airport Manager; Darin Meggers, Assistant Airport Manager; Airport Board Members; Julie Straub, HRM

    Reviewed Darin’s July timesheet to determine if his hours follow an intermittent position. Discussed whether to label the position part-time; won’t be able to set scheduled hours. Julie explained the difference between an intermittent position and a part-time position. The Commission decided that Darin will keep the intermittent position classification and will turn in a spreadsheet to show his intermittent hours in a pay period. Julie will create a spreadsheet for Darin to fill out each pay period.

3:39 PM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.


    1. Approve July 22nd – July 26th, 2024 Commission Minutes

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve July 22nd– 26th, 2024 Commission Minutes with changes as stated. Vice Chairman Braun stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin) The motion carried.

11:15 AM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk & Recorder joined the meeting.

11:16 AM DISCUSS GRANDSTAND FIRE SUPPRESSION ROOM/ Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager

    Jennefer reported on Direct Electric assessing the backup battery system in the suppression room for the grandstand emergency lighting; will need to replace entire system due to the company that originally installed it going out of business. The system runs the exit and flood lights under the grandstand when the power goes out. Jennefer asked if she should replace the circuit board or the entire module; decided to replace the entire module for the amount of $4,700.00. The module might not arrive in time for the fair; Jennefer will see if Direct Electric can install a temporary switch to the batteries for fair. Discussed connecting a generator to the exhibit hall and grandstands.

11:29 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.

    2. Executive/Action Items:

        a. Decision on Rusley COS based upon the staff report received from the Contract County Planner.

             No discussion at this time. The County Attorney will be reviewing the COS.

        b. Decision on approach permit.

             Commissioner Rost signed the permit as it was in his district.

        c. Decision on fair contracts.

             Vice Chairman Braun signed the C5 Rodeo Fair Contract.

        d. Decision on Fireside Office Solutions Maintenance Service Agreement.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the maintenance service agreement. Vice Chairman Braun stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin) The motion carried.

        e. Decision to sign Action For Eastern Montana ROMA workplan letter.

             Decision to sign has been tabled until more information is available.

    3. Old Business as needed

         a. Discussion on road policy.

         b. FY25Budget questions (if any)

              Discussed verifying that Avel is part of the Sheriff Office Budget. Discussed which entity should be paying for the Catalyst for Change service, as the Commission has not made a decision; discussion tabled until meeting with the Fallon County Mental Health Council and Public Health.

    4. Review Board Minutes/Agendas (Boards other than Commission)

    5. Review Department/office reports/sign journal vouchers (as needed)

3:14 PM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion. Being as there was no further business, meeting adjourned.


                                                                                                s/ Kevin J. Braun, Vice Chairman

s/ Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary


s/ Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving