10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes – May 29 – June 2, 2023

Commission Minutes – May 29 – June 2, 2023

MONDAY, MAY 30, 2023


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.


          No one appeared for Public Comment.

9:15 AM PLANNING DEPARTMENT UPDATES/Mary Grube, Planning Administrative Assistant

          UPDTATES-Mary discussed a presentation pertaining to renewable energy and GIS. This will take place at the Planning Board meeting on June 5th, and everyone would like the Commission to attend. The presenter is interested in the county land f/k/a the “man camp”.

          Discussed the upcoming Growth Policy meeting on June 12th; the next meeting will be July 10th; per Montana law Mary will be inviting other entities such as MT DOT.  The Growth Policy will be finalized in October.  Mary discussed carrying the Growth Policy grant over to FY24.

9:26 AM Mary left the meeting.

9:30 AM Richard Menger, Sanitarian joined.

          UPDATES-Rich is working on a COSA (Certificate of Survey Amendment) rewrite. Discussion regarding the criteria for the upper lake when it is full; Rich will contact the DNRC.

9:32 AM Rich left the discussion.


          No members of the public attended the public hearing. 

9:37 AM Commissioner Baldwin closed the public hearing as there was no one present to be heard for or against the budget amendment.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to accept RESOLUTION #1108 to amend the Public Health Budget in the amount of $420.00 to account for donations made for “Water Safety Day”.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for further discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously. 

10:00 AM ROAD/SHOP UPDATES/Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Mitch Overn/Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics

       UPDATES-Discussed millings being placed on the upper Fire Department lot; Bobby has not been approached about this. Discussed a trial run on a county road in which they would mix millings with scoria. Will be trying to blade, dependent upon the rain in various areas. Commissioner Braun discussed blading a road by Jerry Lang’s; this is the area where a culvert was replaced. Sunset Trail is being bladed again today. Discussed using some of the gravel to cover three (3) miles of Hidden Water Trail that is in poor condition. Discussed getting scoria crushed this summer; Bobby feels 100,000 yards will need to be crushed. Discussed preparing to go to bid for crushing of this. Discussion regarding working on closing old pits and looking for new gravel pits (especially in north Fallon County).

          Discussed the loader repairs; the head was taken over to New England to be inspected.  They will start working on the trailer involved in an accident so it can be placed back “in service”.

  1. The Commission made the decision to accept the final offer from Traveler’s insurance in the amount of $74,885. All remaining paperwork will be taken care of by the Clerk and Recorder’s office. 

          Other updates-They will start doing one calls this week in preparation of work to be completed SW of Baker Lake and East of Hwy 7 S.  Discussed how they will handle the areas that may be soft such as Fallon Avenue. Discussed Straub Access may be used as a bus route, only when the road is passible. Bobby will be inspecting culverts placed on approaches by TransCanada. Some landowners are having a hard time accessing their property because the culverts have made the approaches too steep.

10:39 AM Bobby, Mitch and Carl left the meeting.


            The Commission reviewed revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas.

Old Business

    a.)Moving Wells Fargo Trust to the Bank of Baker (Coral Creek Landfill)

           No updates or decisions made.

    b.)Hospital Basement maintenance

            No updates or decisions made.

    c.)Chamber of Commerce MOU for Rec Department Services

             MOU not received.

     d.)EMS Medical Director (decisions as needed)

             No updates or decisions made.

      e.)Work order for County land on Section 15-7-59-Discuss decision to survey

             Discussion, no decision. 

      f.)Decision to proceed with Troubadour Drive

              No decision was made.

      g.)EMS billing practices – rates

               No decisions made.

      h.)Discussion/weapons policy

                This was not discussed.

      i.)EMS Paid volunteer

                 No decisions made.

Executive/Action items:

         a.)Decision to release Bid and Performance Bond for Parkview 1 Apartment Renovation (TWClark)

          Commissioner Rost made the motion to release the bid and performance bonds for the Parkview 1 Renovation project. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for further discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously. 

       b.)Approve quote for cement work at Parkview.

     No decision at this time; there will be another proposal submitted. Will make the decision at that time the Commission will decide whether to add it to the FY24 budget.

c.)Approve Maintenance Service Agreement with Fireside Office Solutions for the Road Department copier

     The Commission approved signing the Fireside Office Solutions maintenance service agreement for the Road Department copier. 

d.)Approve Public Transportation operating assistance grant

     Commission approved signing the original Public Transportation Operating Assistance Grant for the Council on Aging.  This will be “e signed” as well and submitted.

      e.)Approve EBMS Plan Document Amendment #35

     Commission approved signing the EBMS Plan Document Amendment #35.  

      f.)Approve updated Johnson Controls Service Proposal

      The Commission approved signing the updated Johnson Controls Service Proposal to troubleshoot recall issues in the elevator machine room. 


Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the May 22-26, 2023, Commission minutes.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

11:30 AM EMS UPDATES/Brittany Renner, EMS Program Manager

           UPDATES/Discussed storage and wash bay issues. Everyone is enjoying and learning from Best Practice Medicines EMT’s. 

          1.EMS Program Manager/Discussion/Decision-Management and transition of work hours/on call, etc./Julie Straub, HRM

                      Example: Asked how she is to handle transitioning if she gets a call after work hours. Decision: If Brittany is on call, she stops being on call and will go to Manager status. When she is done, she would go back to on call status. Brittany will need to make sure to document so the status changes are well understood by everyone. 

          Brittany would like permission to leave at 2 PM on Wednesday and will flex her hours to accommodate this.  Permission granted.

11:35 AM Julie left the meeting.

2.Discuss/Decision regarding EMT classes-Brittany has had 5 individuals sign up for classes and would like to start classes as soon as possible.

  3.Discuss/Decision regarding quote received from Whiteline Training for EMT Classes-$13,000 was the  quote received. The Commission would like a more detailed quote, so they are sure what is included in the quote.  Permission to proceed preparing for the classes to begin. 

          Other information-Discussed a bonus for EMT’s that would entail 10% of annual on call hours. With a cap of $1,000.  The Commission would like to discuss this with payroll.  Also discussed increasing the run amount paid from $35.00 per run, (Currently paid) to $45.00 per run. This will also be discussed further.  

          Ambulance billing-Discussed the issues Public Health has been having with credentialing, etc. This will be discussed further as well. 

11:59 AM Brittany left the meeting.

12:00 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.

Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

          NOON RECESS


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



          No one appeared for Public Comment.

1:30 PM GOLF COURSE UPDATES/MIDLAND IMPLEMENT VENDOR/Kevin Hill, Golf Course Superintendent; Julie Straub, HRM

         Vendor Discussion-The Commission explained they understand Kevin H’s frustration when dealing with some vendors, but the county has built a reputation with Midland Implement, and we don’t want to lose them. Kevin explained the issue started last year when they were contacted to assist with the irrigation system. The Irrigation Technician told Kevin there were too many issues, and he could not help. That was when Pete Morris came to assist but there are still a lot of unresolved issues. Kevin contacted the local electricians, and they told him they could not assist because it was Toro. The Toro Tech was nonresponsive, so Kevin contacted his supervisor which upset the Irrigation Tech and he in turn texted Kevin some rude messages. Kevin was told to contact Toro from eastern North Dakota, but they noted it was out of their territory. Kevin explained the continued issues he is having with the irrigation system and Midland this year. 

         Julie wanted clarification on the inappropriate communication with a vendor and Kevin understands that it was not appropriate.  Kevin said he did understand, and he will contact the Irrigation Technician.

          Discussed the greens and if they will be ready for the Mammo Wammo on June 10th.  Kevin is not sure how to adequately cut the greens. The mower may not be able to go across the greens due to the weight of the machine. Discussed the best process to mow the greens. As far as the Mammo Wammo tournament is concerned, a decision will need to be made Monday, June 5th.

          Other Issues-Commissioner Braun discussed other items of concern. Explained, had the leaks been repaired last fall the irrigation system would probably have been able to be properly blown down. We hired Mr. Bertsch this spring and the leaks have been repaired; the problem was Kevin was gone while the repairs were being made. Commissioner Braun felt he expressed Kevin should be hands on so he could get experience and understand how to repair the leaks for future; so, we don’t have to wait to get a contractor or run into the same issues again every year.  Discussed the filter that was to be cleaned, with the Road Department’s assistance but they could not find Kevin when they arrived. Kevin needs to be there so they can show him the process for future cleaning that Kevin can complete with his seasonal help. Discussed the equipment that was not serviced or washed as it should have been in preparation for the new year. Discussed the reels; they were never taken to Billings to be sharpened before. Kevin was told the golf course does not have the proper equipment to sharpen the reels so was told they used to take them to Billings. Commissioner Braun was told the morning group is not golfing because there was a disagreement between Kevin and that group. Kevin explained what he told the group and felt he was courteous when he asked them to use the cart paths as he had some areas roped off. 

          Julie spoke of perception; the Commission will support Kevin, but it is also about how we conduct ourselves.

         Commissioner Braun discussed issues of watering during the day and asked if Kevin was allowing people to golf. Kevin stated he needs to water 3 to 4 times per day. Commissioner Braun explained an instance where Kevin H was watering #1 so told the golfers to go to #6.  They stated as soon as they arrived at #6 the water came on.  The Commission would like Kevin to contact them when, or if he is in touch with the public or has communication with them, whether he feels it is adverse or not, so they have a heads up and hear both sides of the story. 

          Julie explained the expectations the Commission has of Kevin H and how issues are addressed.

2:00 PM DISCUSS/DECISIONS SALARY SCHEDULE/MARKET ADJUSTMENTS/LONGEVITY, ETC/Review, Discuss, Decision EMS Volunteer Rates/Julie Straub, HRM; Christa Alford, Payroll Clerk

         Continued discussions and decisions were made regarding market adjustments.

3:40 PM Commissioner Rost excused himself while Museum Curator salaries could be discussed.

3:48 PM Commissioner Rost joined the discussion.

4:00 PM Christa left the meeting. 

4:00 PM PERMISSION/DECISION-LEAVE WITHOUT PAY REQUEST/Amanda Williams, County Extension Agent; Jolinda Allerdings, Extension Administrative Assistant; Julie Straub, HRM

          Jolinda asked if the meeting could be closed for HIPAA reasons.

4:00 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to go into Closed Session.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for further discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

4:08 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to come out of Closed Session. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

4:10 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to grant leave without pay to Jolinda Allerdings, County Extension Administrative Assistant.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

4:11 PM Julie Straub, HRM and Christa Alford met to further discuss salaries.

4:16 PM Christa and Julie left the meeting.

4:16 PM TOWNSEND COMPUTER/Existing Contract Discuss/Decision/Clint Townsend, Contract Computer Tech

          Since this is budget time, Clint met to discuss whether updates should be made to his existing contract. Clint started with 40 hours per month and felt some months were more and some were less so overall it averaged itself out. There are some upcoming projects that may require his assistance. The County will be getting a new server, updated camera systems, etc.  The Commission asked if Clint would bill as he is needed.  Clint would rather do a retainment.  Commissioner Rost would like to have someone else familiar with our network system in case of vacations, etc. Discussed possibly 20 hours per month and if there are a lot of extra hours at the end of the budget year they could deal with those hours at that time. Commission discussed the audio recording requirement for Commission meetings. Clint can assist Josh with that as well. Clint will give the Commission some options and come back with an updated contract.  

4:36 PM Clint left the meeting.

4:40 PM Julie and Christa joined to further discuss salaries.

5:35 PM It was determined there was not enough time to complete the remainder of the salary schedule, etc.

Commissioner Rost expressed his disappointment in the Commission for not making any further adjustments to the Museum wages. Also stated he is not interested in further discussing longevity.

5:37 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to adjourn.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


                                                                                                                         s/Steve Baldwin, Chairman


s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving