10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes – November 18 – November 22, 2024

Commission Minutes – November 18 – November 22, 2024



PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.


    No one appeared for Public Comment.


   Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk & Recorder reported on the County Canvass results. The Commission reviewed and audited the results. Debbie explained the absentee and poll results. Discussed increase in absentee voting possibly affecting the polls only being open from noon to 8:00 PM.

9:54 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.

10:02 AM ROAD UPDATES/ Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Mitch Overn and/or Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics

    Mitch and Carl updated on county equipment maintenance. Gravel is completed on Bergstrom Hill Road; discussed maintenance and widening the road to the minimum of twenty-four feet. Scoria is done on Sunny Bank Road. Currently patching Johnny Creek and will start on Anticline Road. Discussed sleeve for a waterline that was recently installed on Willard Road by John Bertsch. Bobby updated on the closing of gravel pits. Commissioner Braun reported on a member of the public asking if Bobby is graveling his personal road with county gravel; Bobby stated that he is using his own gravel and is not using anything county related, also the public should ask him personally.

10:13 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.

10:31 AM PROJECT UPDATES/ Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Rich Menger, Sanitarian; Hunter Grover, Golf Course Superintendent; Doug Varner, Seasonal Interim Golf Course Superintendent

    Rich was unable to attend the meeting. Discussed timeframe for seeding Bergstrom Hill Road; plan to wait until Spring for seeding the road. Shannon reported on the pay application retainage for Wyrick Construction; discussed completing pay-ap after seeding. Updated on Kady coming tomorrow for the GIS road mapping project; discussed including Mandi Varner for the meeting. Shannon reported on documents dated prior to 1932 will be scanned later this winter; discussed including Custer County documents if they pertain to a road. Went over road types for the GIS road map legend. Shannon updated on submitting a separate plan for the manifold in Lagoon Cell 3; will send to DEQ for review. Discussed pumping lagoon cell 3 after the City completes the transfer; will rent eight inch pumps from Wyrick Construction.

10:58 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.

11:00 AM PERMISSION TO OPEN WORKING THE CONTAINER SITE FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES/ Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations; Julie Straub, HRM

    Julie reported on Jeff’s recommendation to have all county staff have the option to work the container site, especially on Saturday’s. Overtime would be charged to the landfill’s budget; the wage would be the employee’s current pay wage. Discussed not allowing employees to flex hours in order to cover Saturday. Will be advertising for the container site position.

11:06 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.

11:28 AM DECISION ON VERKADA QUOTE/ Josh Lewis, System Administrator

    Josh explained the Verkada quote for courthouse security. Commissioner Rost updated on FMC have two panic buttons that alerted Dispatch directly, installed by TAB Electronics. Discussed installing a panic button system that does not have licensing attached to it. The Commission decided not to approve Verkada’s quote.

11:40 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion. Recess until 1:15 PM



PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Roy Rost, Member; Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary

ABSENT: Kevin Braun, Member



    No one appeared for Public Comment.


   1. Decision on Senior Centers request for a longer term for the leases.

        Both Baker and Plevna Senior Centers requested a longer term for the leases. Darcy will change the term of the leases to ten years.

   2. Cattle guard policy.

       Discussed specifications for the cattle guard policy; the landowner would pay $150.00 for the permit and the amount of the cattle guard if it benefits the landowner. If the cattle guard benefits the county, the county would cover the cost of the cattle guard.

   3. HB819 Housing Resolution

       Commissioner Rost questioned why the county is involved in a resolution to use state funds. Discussed whether the resolution is requiring the county to match funds or if it is solely the responsibility of the Community Reinvestment Organizations; the Commission does not believe this resolution should be the county’s responsibility being as it is state funds. Darcy will continue to research the program.

   4. Gate permit liability.

       Discussed the importance of defining the landowners being liable for a gate that they would be building and maintaining in case it would harm a member of the public.

   5. Review and revise road types.

       There was no discussion at this time.

   6. Review and revise drafted road petition.

       Discussed the drafted road petition; Commissioner Rost explained how a section in the application takes away from the importance of a public hearing. Discussed the process of creating or abandoning a county road.

2:09 PM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.

2:16 PM EPEDC UPDATES/ Terra Burman, Executive Director

    Discussed HB819 and who is responsible for matching funds with the state; a hire CRO would cover the match funds. Terra will set up a call with a CRO for him to explain the resolution. Terra updated on new employees and funding projects. Reported on a sidewalk grant that covers any alternative transportation.

2:32 PM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.


Commissioner Rost motion to hire Madison Butori as the Administrative Assistant. Chairman Baldwin stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; Madison’s start date will be December 3rd. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Braun). Motion carries.

3:13 PM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.


   1. Approve November 4th – 8th, 2024 Commission Minutes.

Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the November 4th -8th, 2024 Commission Minutes.

Chairman Baldwin stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Braun). Motion carries.

   2. Approve November 4th, 2024 Closed Commission Minutes

Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the November 4th, 2024 Closed Commission Minutes. Chairman Baldwin stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Braun). Motion carries.

   3. Approve November 11th – 15th, 2024 Commission Minutes

Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the November 11th – 15th, 2024 Commission Minutes. Chairman Baldwin stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Braun). Motion carries.

   4. Executive/Action Items:

         a. Decision on Direct Electric LLC quote for a GFI outlet for the golf.

Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the Direct Electric LLC quote for the amount $445.71 Chairman Baldwin stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Braun). Motion carries.

         b. Decision on MTI quote for replacing trane heat pump in Parkview Retirement Complex.

Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the MTI quote for the amount of $14,920.00. Chairman Baldwin stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; Commissioner Rost would like clarification that Derrick approves of the amount. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Braun). Motion carries.

   5. Old Business as needed

         a. Permission to use Tobacco Grant funds for scholarships.

             Permission granted to use tobacco grant funds for scholarships per the Auditors okay from the state letter.

         b. Old business as needed.

Commissioner Rost motion to approve the CHIP agreement. Chairman Baldwin stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Braun). Motion carries.

   6. Review Board Minutes/Agendas (Boards other than Commission)

   7. Review Department/office reports/sign journal vouchers/encroachments (as needed)

   8. Approve November 2024 Mid-Month Claims.

Commissioner Rost motioned to approve November 2024 Mid-Month Claims for the amount $342,774.21 Chairman Baldwin stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Braun). Motion carries.

3:27 PM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion. Recess until 10:00 AM.




PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members;

 Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary


10:00 AM INTRODUCTIONS/ Shane Mintz, MDT District 4 Administrator

    Shane Mintz, Glendive District Manager; Mike Skillestad, Miles City Division Maintenance Chief; Chris Dorrington, Director; Larry Flynn, Deputy Director; Jon Swartz, Maintenance Administrator; Dustin Rouse, Engineering Division Administrator; Bob Phalen, Senator; Jerry Schillinger, Representative; Mike Murolo, Facilities Bureau Chief attended the meeting.

    Chris Dorrington, MDT’s new director introduced himself to the Commission. Shane updated on Plevna South Road, Sand Creek bridge and highway projects. Jerry updated on a prison being built to help alleviate county jails from holding prisoners for the State Prison. Commissioner Braun informed the group on the difficulties the county faced against DEQ and the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding the regrading project of Bergstrom Hill Road to prevent car accidents.

10:45 AM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk & Recorder joined the meeting.

    Bob Phalen appreciated the county hand counting ballots; discussed with Debbie the pros of hand counting versus using tabulators.

11:00 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion. Being as there was no other business, meeting adjourned.                            


                                                                                                                     s/ Kevin J. Braun, Vice Chairman

s/ Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary


s/ Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving