10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes – November 27 – December 1, 2023

Commission Minutes – November 27 – December 1, 2023

                                                                       MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2023


Debbie Wyrick, Safety Committee Member; Kevin Hill, Golf Course Superintendent; Doug Varner, Lead Seasonal Golf Course Assistant

10:00 AM PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



          Present: Jasen Wyrick, Wyrick Construction; Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Mitch Overn & Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics

          The only bid received was from Wyrick Construction.  Commissioner Braun opened and read the bid aloud.  $3.49 per cubic yard to crush 100,000 yards of scoria for Fallon County. Discussion on awarding the bid today. Jasen stated he is ready to start now and would appreciate being able to start right away.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the road material bid received from Wyrick Construction to crush 100,000 yards of scoria.  There was discussion on the start state. Bobby will communicate with Jasen after discussing with landowner.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 

10:09 AM Jasen left the bid opening.

10:10 AM UPDATES/Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Mitch Overn & Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics

          Road/Shop Updates/Bobby stated they will get the pit ready for crushing. Discussed servicing golf course equipment; mechanics have not been contacted as of this time. After a safety review the Commission is looking into storage methods for the golf course oil, etc. They are currently hauling gravel on Hidden Water Trail. The engine for the loader arrived; they are in the process of switching everything over. They have a few other small maintenance items they are taking care of. Discussed the loader warranty and how that will be worked out. Carl will give RDO a work order with the hours and they will take care of it on their end. They have a few more car gates to finish.

10:13 AM Bobby, Mitch and Carl left the meeting.

10:45 AM PROJECT UPDATES/Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Richard Menger, Sanitarian

          UPDATES/Discussed the county land west of Baker, which Brosz Engineering has surveyed and is platting for the county. Shannon discussed exemptions he plans to use for this project.

10:49 AM Todd Adamson, Public Member joined.

Commissioner Rost discussed needing the total acres outside of the fenced area as it will need to be appraised separately. Shannon stated they plan to finish the draft this week and asked what Planner should be contacted.  The Commission would like Brosz to send questions to Stahly Engineering. Rich stated he would have the SWIPP closure information for Shannon and anything else he may need; Rich would be willing to assist however needed. Shannon sent the signed application to the Corp of Engineers for Bergstrom Hill Road. FMC/Retirement Complex parking lot repairs.  Shannon reviewed the work completed by Wyrick Construction and felt everything looked good. Top Gun Construction did not call Shannon back so the remainder of the project will need to be completed this spring. John with Top Gun did say he would complete the work for the same price as quoted previously.

10:57 AM Trenton Harbaugh, Sheriff joined.

Shannon will visit with Golf Course Seasonal Lead Grounds Crew Hand regarding the final test results from the pond at the golf course. Discussed the possibilities of lining the pond is likely.

10:59 AM Christa Alford, Payroll Clerk and Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined.

The Commission discussed the timing of lining the pond and if it would be allowable to extend the process another year and start next fall. Shannon felt the DEQ would probably try to accommodate the county since there is a plan moving forward.

11:03 AM Shannon, Rich and Todd left the meeting.

11:05 AM SALARY WORK SESSION/Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Christa Alford, Payroll Clerk; Trenton Harbaugh, Sheriff

          Debbie asked if the longevity schedule previously discussed needed further discussion.  Everyone felt the longevity schedule is okay for now.

          The group discussed the spreadsheet completed by Commissioner Rost. Commissioner Rost explained how he determined the base pay for the listed positions, which excluded elected officials and their deputies, as they are set by statute. Commissioner Rost stated this was just a proposal, not set in stone and wanted input. Commissioner Rost asked others to bring their proposals back to be discussed. Further discussion and more information will be gathered and brought back to the next meeting.

12:08 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.

Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

          NOON RECESS

PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



          No one attended Public Comment.

1:30 PM COUNTY ATTORNEY WORK SESSION/Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney

          Darcy was unable to attend the work session.


          Brenda discussed a previous meeting attended by Brittany Renner, EMS Program Manager. Brittany had requested an increase for the EMS drivers. The percentage was not identified previously, and Brittany would like clarification for payroll purposes.  The Commission agreed the drivers would be paid a percentage of each run in which they are the driver.  That percentage determined is 75%, which is also past practice, however, could never be identified specifically.


          The Commission reviewed revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas.

          1.Old Business (as needed)/

             a. Coral Creek Landfill Trust Account (any decisions needed)

                   No further discussion or decisions at this time.

             b. Policies/procedures for gate permit system (discussion/decisions as needed)

                  No further discussion or decisions at this time.

            c. Indigent Burial Policy (discussion/decisions as needed)

                  No further discussion or decisions at this time.

             d. Hospital Basement Project (discussion/decisions as needed)

                   No further discussion or decisions at this time.

             e. Update EMS policies/procedures

                  No discussion or decisions at this time.

              f. Other old business as needed

                    Cindy Irgens, Recording Clerk met regarding a previous request for information on Berwald Road. Cindy has not been able to find anything that would assist the Commission with regard to maintenance of the road.  Milwaukee Avenue stops at the front door of the office/scale house, the road then crosses private property and on toward the MDU gas plant. Discussion whether the county has authority to maintain this road. Discussed and questioned if this would be considered an alternate emergency route.


3.Review & Approve Encroachment/Approach Permits (as needed)

4.Review Board Minutes/Agendas (Boards other than Commission)

5.Review Department/office reports/sign journal vouchers (as needed)

6.Review/Discuss/Decision – any Parkview Rental Agreements/Addendums (as needed)

7.Executive Action Items:

   a. Discuss/Approve/Sign Proposal and Service Agreement with Johnson Controls for replacement of 81 fire extinguishers for various departments/Kimberly Jensen, AP Clerk

           Kimberly provided the Commission with the research she completed and the discrepancies in Johnson Controls figures on the proposal in comparison to their inspection reports. The Commission would like the Safety Committee to look into this and get in touch with the Fire Marshal before sending the proposal back to Johnson Controls.

   b. Approval of Nelson Certificate of Survey/W1/2SE1/4 of Section 12, T07N, R59E, P.M.M. Relocation of Boundaries per Planner’s Report

Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the Nelson COS for the W1/2SE1/4 of Section 12, T07N, R59E, P.M.M. Relocation of Boundaries per the Planner’s Report.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

   c. Discuss/Decision regarding request by EMEDA to change (Food Forest Agreement)

          The Commission would like to visit with Outside Maintenance before making a decision. 

   d. Approve Amended Verizon phone service agreement

           The Commission approved and signed the amended Verizon phone service agreement.

   e. Decision to pay MT Infrastructure Coalition 2024 Dues

            The Commission made the decision to pay the Montana Infrastructure Coalition dues for 2024.

   f. Decision regarding appointment for Fallon County representative, etc. for Montana Opioid Abatement Council/

            Commissioner Rost will be designated the representative for Fallon County based upon the structure of the EMEDC Board.  

   g. Sign Interlocal Agreement formation, authority, and administration of abatement Region1 for the opioid settlement

      Commissioner Rost made the motion to sign and approve the Interlocal Agreement formation, authority, and administration of abatement for region 1 for the opioid settlement of which Fallon County is one (1) of seventeen (17) counties, (known as Region 1).  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried.


Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the November 20-November 24, 2023 minutes.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


Commissioner Roy made the motion to approve the November 20, 2023 closed session minutes.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

3:51 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


                                                                                        FALLON COUNTY COMMISSION

s/Steve Baldwin, Chairman


s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder                                                       

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving