EMEDA Commissioner Meeting – December 3rd 2024
‘Eastern Montana ‘Economic Development Authority
Commissioner Meeting Minutes December 3, 2024
Fallon County Visitor Center
Members Present:
Vice Chair Steve Zachmann, Treasurer Karol Zachmann, Commissioner Hugo Bumgardner, Commissioner “Cookie” Zenko.
Chairperson Tasha losing attended via Zoom.
Members Absent:, Commissioner Carson Beach.
Staff Present: Executive Director Vaughn Zenko, Childcare Director Carrie Schwartz
Public Present: Lisa Passmore, Rose Morast, Cheryl Neimerg
Meeting called to order: 7:05pm by Chairperson Tasha losing
Approval of Agenda: Tasha suggested adding “Elections” to the agenda to address the two Commissioner positions up for election in 2025. There was no objection to adding this to new business.
Review of Previous Meeting Minutes: The board reviewed the minutes from the November 14, 2024 Special Meeting. Carrie Schwartz suggested an edit. It was decided that the written minutes adequately described the interaction.
- MOTION (Steve Zachmann): To approve the minutes from the November 14 meeting as presented.
- SECOND: Hugo Bumgardner
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. November 14, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes approved as presented.
Public Comment: As the public in attendance is scheduled for later in the agenda, Chairperson Losing moved to alter the agenda to move forward in the agenda in consideration of their time. There was no objection.
Old Business:
J&A Mini Store Facade Improvement Grant: As funds weren’t available the last time this item was discussed, Chairperson losing stated she would like to reopen the J&A Fa ade Improvement Grant for discussion. The grant was for $4093.30. Discussion centered on a misunderstanding with the original grant approval on July 20, 2023 and whether the stated conditions of the FIG only applied to occupied buildings. After discussion, it was decided that J&A proceeded with their project in good faith
- MOTION (Steve Zachmann): To approve the J&A Fa ade Improvement Grant as is.
- DISCUSSION: Tasha stated that she would like to see where EMEDA finances are at before deciding on whether to pay the grant.
- MOTION SUSPENDED: Steve moved to suspend his motion until after the board was able to check EMEDA’s financial situation. There was no objection.
Financial Report: Treasurer Karol Zachmann provided a document showing EMEDA currently with $37,051 in Restricted Funds, $33,571.15 in the EMEDA Main Checking, and $7,898.69 in total Childcare Operating accounts. The City of Baker had paid approximately $23,000 for their portion of the street widening project. The board then went over claims as read out loud by Karol, including MDU bills for $133.53 for Unit 2 and
$64.21 for Unit 1, $211.15 for Worker’s Comp Insurance, $75 to Rachel’s Accounting for November payroll,
$6,273.57 for commercial property insurance, $225 to Rich Batterman for legal consultation, and $9.80 for the approved Brightwheel subscription as well as $14.60 so that Carrie can buy stamps. Karol noted that the Insurance Store had informed her that the commercial property insurance could be paid in installments.
Vaughn noted that stamps and other office supplies are included in EMEDA’s MOU with SMART as part of the
$100 per hour payment for administration services. With these claims, EMEDA would have $10,271 still left in the general operating account.
At this point, Chairperson Losing moved to return to the motion on the table approving the J&A Mini Store Fa�ade Improvement Grant. There were no objections.
Old Business:
J&A Mini Store Facade Improvement Grant: The board returned to their discussion with a motion on the table from Steve.
- ORIGINAL MOTION (Steve Zachmann): To approve the J&A Facade Improvement Grant as is.
- SECOND: Hugo Bumgardner
- DISCUSSION: Lisa Passmore asked for clarification as to whether there were any other stipulations necessary for receiving the grant funds. Tasha said there were not. There was discussion on changing the wording of the Facade Improvement Grant to potentially reflect that the grant would only apply to occupied properties.
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. The J&A Mini Store Facade Improvement Grant was approved for $4,093.30.
8:07pm: Lisa Passmore, Rose Morast and Cheryl Niemerg left the meeting. The board thanked them for their time and informed them that the check would be available tomorrow at the SMART Office.
Claim Forms Review: The board proceeded to reviewing Claim Forms. Karol added that there was a claim from SMART for November administration for $1,981, as well as past due claims for September for $2,916 and October for $2,229 for a total of $7,126. Vaughn said that SMART would be willing to let the claims remain overdue for now. Karol disputed the $300 per month charge for SMART Office Manager Assistance. Karol stated that Rachel’s Accounting is willing to do payroll and that she is covering other administrative duties as Treasurer, so paying SMART for office manager assistance was no longer necessary. She also gave Vaughn orders on how she would like SMART to track and maintain bills and other documents.
The board proceeded to claims applying specifically to the construction loan with the Bank of Baker. No claim numbers were assigned during the meeting. The board heard of three separate claims from Steve Zachmann,
$2,935.39 for repairs on Unit 1, $2,400 for additional work on Unit 1 involving a prior board request to remove a wall, and $180 as consulting fee. The board also returned to the prior claims from Wyrick Construction for
$25,846.75 and Weave Construction for $172,134.17 that had been held back pending additional information. Steve reported that, after discussion, he believed both claims were fair. With approximately $94,000 remaining in the EMEDA construction loan, EMEDA would have to be approved for the requested loan extension at the Bank of Baker. Tasha suggested approving the claims and then making the payments once the additional loan funding was secured. Steve Zachmann can confirm those claims with the bank.
Steve then turned to the claim from C&S Construction for $6,500 for perfataping and patching at Unit 1. He recommended not paying the bill in full, saying the job had not been done to satisfaction and he, as Construction Supervisor, was not given opportunity to do a final inspection on the work. Chairperson Losing suggested holding the C&S Construction claim over to next month. There were no objections.
Karol brought up a bill to B&B Septic for $160 for use of porta potties at the construction site. Tasha then requested a motion on the remaining claims.
- MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To approve paying the bills that apply to the construction loan with the exception of C&S Construction.
- SECOND: Cookie Zenko
- RECUSAL: Steve Zachmann recused himself from the vote as three of the claims involve him directly.
- VOTE: Three in favor, none opposed, one recused, one absent. Claims to Steve Zachmann, Wyrick Construction, Weave Construction and B&B Septic totaling $203,656.31 will be paid from the Construction Loan. No claim numbers were assigned at this time. The payments to Wyrick and Weave Construction will not be made until the extension of the construction loan is approved at the Bank of Baker.
The board then looked at claims related to the Childcare Project. It was suggested that the commercial property insurance, at $6,273.56, could possibly be paid quarterly, at $1,568.39. Hugo stated he would prefer to pay the balance in one lump sum. The Job Service grant went in to the Childcare Account at the Bank of Baker and can only be used for training. Karol requested approval of paying up to $1,568.39 for the commercial property insurance, but would contact the Insurance Store for clarification as to a payment plan.
- MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To approve payment up to $1,568.39 for insurance.
- SECOND: Steve Zachmann
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA will pay up to $1,568.39 out of the general checking account as a deposit on the total due for commercial property insurance. Karol will discuss a further payment plan with the Insurance Store.
The board also reviewed the previously discussed claims to Rachel’s Accounting for $75, MDU for $197.74,
$211.15 to the Montana State Fund, and $9.80 for the Brightwheel account. A $10.98 expense for Thank You notes was also brought up by Carrie. She asked if Brightwheel needs to be approved every month. Steve said that it is required to have a claim submitted, but has been previously approved by the board so does not have to be approved every month.
- MOTION (Steve Zachmann): To approve payment of these claims out of the Childcare Account
- SECOND: Cookie Zenko
- DISCUSSION: As the Brightwheel and MDU payments have already come out of the account, the total amount being approved is $297.13.
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EM EDA will pay, out of the Bank of Baker Childcare Account, $297.13 to settle claims with Rachel’s Accounting, the Montana State Fund, and reimbursement to Carrie Schwartz. There were no claim numbers assigned at this time.
The board returned to the $7,126 claim from SMART for administration. Discussion focused on the $300 monthly payment for Office Manager Assistance, as per an MOU with SMART. After discussion, it was decided that canceling the MOU with SMART for that assistance had been previously discussed, but it had been decided to leave that in the FY25 budget until later discussion.
- MOTION (Steve Zachmann): To cancel the MOU with SMART for Office Manager Assistance.
- SECOND: Hugo Bumgardner
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EM EDA will terminate the existing MOU with SMART for Office Manager Assistance for $300 per month. Those services are now being handled by the Treasurer.
The board continued discussion on the SMART claim and available finances.
- MOTION (Steve Zachmann}: To approve the September SMART bill and hold the October and November invoices.
- SECOND: Hugo Bumgardner
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA will pay, out of the general account, $2,916 to SMART for the September invoice. There was no claim number assigned at this time.
Construction Supervisor Report: Steve Zachmann reported on progress with Unit 1. Discussion included delays in the plumbing getting done and a timeline for completion, Steve’s concerns with the work of C&S Construction, an explanation of the confusion involving Wyrick Construction and Weave Construction and the gravel. Steve also updated the board on his remaining work to be done. Carrie asked about the height of the sinks, using stepstools an option.
Steve then requested the Board’s opinion on doorstops, which currently screw into the floor and could potentially cause problems. After discussion, Chairperson Losing suggested Steve get wall mounted stops based on Carrie’s opinion as to what doorstop option would be best. There was no motion.
Commissioner Hugo Bumgardner brought up some questions that had been posed to him by Shawna Sargent with Action for Eastern Montana Head Start regarding a timeline for Steve fixing the counter height in their kitchen and ground prep for the conex, saying they are in need of that extra storage space ASAP. Regarding the conex, Steve said he will get to it when time permits. Discussion on the counter centered on Head Start’s sanitizing unit being to large to fit with the existing height. Steve said Shawna wants EMEDA to pay the expense to raise the counters.
8:59pm: Cookie Zenko briefly left the meeting
Discussion on the counters continued, with Chairperson Losing summarize the board’s general opinion by suggesting Steve discuss cost sharing on the expense of raising the counters.
Steve noted he will be able to finish his work on Unit 1 once the plumbing is completed.
Childcare Director Report: Carrie Schwartz began her report by stating that she is losing some families off of her waitlist due to delays in opening the facility. Regarding the Childcare accounts, she also noted that donations to the GoFundMe have not yet been deposited into the Grasslands account.
9:02pm: Cookie Zenko returned to the meeting
Carrie continued her report noting that she is continuing to work on the loan with the Bank of Baker. There was more discussion about a designated Childcare Account credit card. In previous discussion, the necessity to have a two-signature account means a debit card would not be an option. Vaughn suggested Charity Charge with Commerce Bank, which is what SMART uses for this purpose. Carrie will continue to explore options. No further discussion.
Carrie went on to request that, with the work that still needs to be done prior to opening the facility, she needs to be bumped up to full time, 40 hours per week. Based on her presented wage scale, this would move her to $25.27 per hour. Approximately the first 60 hours would be paid with the $1500 Job Service training funding. She noted that $25.27 per hour for the Director is included in her budget for the childcare business. Carrie also stated that she would like to officially open up enrollment for the facility.
- MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner}: To move Carrie up to full time at $25.27 per hour.
- SECOND: Steve Zachmann
- DISCUSSION: Carrie brought up the need for a benefits package associated with the bump to full time. The Insurance Store will be approached again about a potential package and Carrie that a Work Force Development Grant she and Vaughn have worked on could potentially help alleviate EMEDA costs for her insurance.
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. Childcare Director Carrie Schwartz will be moved from a part-time employee to full-time, at 40 hours per week and $25.27 per hour. Carrie will insurance options through the workforce development grant with the board discussing the benefits package details later. Vaughn and Carrie will reach out to Rachel’s Accounting to update them on the change in Carrie’s employment status for payroll purposes.
Carrie continued her report by showing the board a play item that she would like to purchase for $900. The usual retail price for the same item is $7,760. The board reviewed the item, discussed whether it would fit inside the facility or affect childcare ratios, and available funding. Vaughn reported that the purchase could come from $35,800 in grant funds secured from the Community Investment Program with Grid United and the Montana Community Foundation.
- MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To approve Carrie’s purchase of the Community Playthings Model 2 Classic Kit for $900, using grant funds, contingent upon it fitting.
- SECOND: Cookie Zenko
- DISCUSSION: Carrie and Steve will visit the facility tomorrow to make sure the item will fit in the facility.
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. Carrie Schwartz has been approved to purchase a used Community Playthings Model 2 Classic Kit for $900, using existing grant funds restricted to play equipment. This motion is contingent upon verification that the purchase will fit within the facility. Carrie stated that the item will not affect ratios because it can be directly used by the enrolled kids.
Childcare discussion continued with Carrie querying Steve as to the changing tables. Returning to opening enrollment, Carrie informed the board that she plans on opening registration once the plumbing is completed in order to determine staffing needs before hiring additional employees.
Vaughn reminded Carrie that Policies and Procedures need to be in place prior to opening and getting licensed.
Chairperson Report: Tasha had no updates that were not already on the agenda
Director’s Report: Vaughn reported on a meeting with Courtney George and Sara Engle with the Department of Labor and Industry regarding potential funding to assist EMEDA with wages and training. He also stated that he would connect Carrie with Rhiannon Shook, the Childcare Business Engagement Specialist for MTDLI, specifically regarding their pre-apprentice program.
Vaughn went on to inform the board that he had set up the childcare fundraising through the SMART platform with only a 2.9% fee per transaction. SMART’s partner, Eventgroove, is waiving the usual additional platform fee. He advised Carrie promote the fundraising through SMART’s page rather than through the GoFundMe.
Old Business:
J&A Mini Store Facade Improvement Grant: Addressed earlier in the meeting.
Computer Policy Final Review: The board reviewed the EMEDA Computer Policy presented at the November 5, 2024 meeting.
- MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To approve the computer policy as presented.
- SECOND: Cookie Zenko
- DISCUSSION: As Tasha was attending the meeting via Zoom, and having trouble differentiating ayes and nays, she requested a roll call vote.
- VOTE: Hugo Bumgardner, aye. Cookie Zenko, aye. Steve Zachmann, aye. Karol Zachmann, aye. Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA has adopted the Computer Usage Policy as presented, with an effective date of December 3, 2024.
New Business
Donation Acceptance Policy: At the request of the Chair, Vaughn developed a draft donation acceptance policy. Chairperson Losing suggested an edit to the presented policy. The board will review the document for a future meeting.
Bill Payment Policy: At the request of the Chair, Vaughn developed a draft bill payment policy document. It was presented to the board for further review.
Cleaning Work Day: In anticipation of a board cleaning day once work on Unit 1 is complete, Tasha requested a board motion to allow Carrie Schwartz to purchase cleaning supplies for the childcare facility.
- MOTION (Steve Zachmann): To approve Carrie’s purchase of necessary cleaning supplies for Cleaning Day.
- SECOND: Hugo Bumgardner
- DISCUSSION: There was discussion on if the cost of cleaning supplies could come from the Operations Loan. It was decided that it likely could not.
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. Carrie Schwartz has been approved to purchase, within reason, cleaning supplies necessary for a cleaning day for the childcare facility.
Elections (added to agenda by they Chairperson): Chairperson Losing noted that EMEDA will have two Commissioner positions up for election in 2025, Steve Zachmann and Carson Beach. EMEDA currently has one other open position. There was discussion on advertising, press releases, and posters promoting the open positions and encouraging people to run for the office.
- MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To have Vaughn write newspaper articles and make a poster promoting EMEDA’s open board positions.
- SECOND: Steve Zachmann
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. Vaughn Zenko will write up press releases and create posters promoting EMEDA and it’s open board positions. The articles should make clear that two positions are open for election and one for appointment. The first day to file for election is December 12, 2024 and the last day to file is February 10, 2025.
There was continued discussion on elections, with Steve explaining the process and how it has worked in the past for the EMEDA board.
Having no other business to attend to at this time, Steve Zachmann made a motion to adjourn. Hugo Bumgardner seconded. All present in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:51pm.
The next EMEDA Monthly meeting is scheduled for January 7, 2025 at 7pm at the Visitor Center