10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fair Board Minutes – August 27th 2024

Fair Board Minutes – August 27th 2024

Tuesday, August 27, 2024
PRESENT: Matt Plaisted, Chairman, Wendy Wagner Vice-Chairman via telephone, Justin Koenigsfeld, Derrick
DeHaan, Eddie Coulter, Jennefer Wheeler Fairgrounds Manager
GUESTS: Commissioner Braun, Julie Post, Vaughn Zenko, David Kirschten, Kodi Olsen, Julie Straub
Matt Plaisted called the meeting to order.
Wendy Wagner motioned to approve the August 27, 2024, Fair Board Agenda. Derrick DeHaan
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Justin Koenigsfeld motioned to approve the August 5, 2024, minutes. Eddie Coulter seconded the motion. The
motion carried. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Jennefer let the Board know of the events coming up. Direct Electric was there working on our power issues.
They wondered if we wanted a quote for LED lights in the arena. Jennefer asked them to look at the Barn fans as
she was told there were issues with them during Fair. Assembly of God asked how we can make the floor not so
slick. Lutheran Stand didn’t have any issues. Jennefer stated she isn’t sure if that is our responsibility or theirs.
We may want to look at the Food Vendor agreement and make sure that the actual built in ones are different
than our vendor trucks etc. We can look at it at the next meeting. But Pastor Rod did want us to know that he
didn’t have an issue with the other food trucks. They make great money. Those were members of the Church.
Jennefer did dig up a letter to the vendors in 2022 stating that the Board did away with the clause about having
competing items. I’m still receiving bills and checks in the mail, so our Expense/Revenue Report is not complete.
Should be by our next meeting. I’m going to take Friday off. St. Vincents called and gave me a quote on
purchasing scooters. Matt Plaisted stated that he was curious how much they cost was all.
Dave Kirschten-Extension Agent gave everyone a handout of the Fair. General positive feedback. We will have a
few things as always to work on but over all it was great. There was great Board presence in the Barn. Eddie
Coulter asked if it was the best time for pictures. Andrea also visited Kodie about that. Maybe Friday would be
better Eddie suggested. Or after every show. Paul Pauley worked way faster than others. Beef/Swine unloading
beef was way quicker than pigs. They talked about less parental help for feeding and cleaning. Eddie mentioned
pending on the age. Dave mentioned he dropped the ball and didn’t get us a copy of their menu. There is of
course the “Pie in the Sky” more barns or expanding in the barn now. Breeding beef is growing. Commissioner
Braun did say it was brought up a couple years ago.
6:58PM Dave Kirschten and Kodie Olson left the meeting.
Julie Post wanted to bring up Handicap Parking. Hoped the Sheriff’s Dept would be here. Jennefer talked to
Victor about it also. Julie stated there were a lot of cops around and she didn’t understand why tickets weren’t
being given. Commissioner Braun stated he heard about it also. He will visit Trent about it. Julie Post also
brought up the Free Stage sound. It was extremely loud. Otherwise, she thought it was a great Fair. Wendy
stated on Saturday she did turn the sound down some. Vaughn Zenko was there on behalf of the Historical
Society. He was wondering if they could borrow our benches for a walking tour that will be held downtown.
Jennefer stated there are 10 benches in the building we have. Matt asked the board for a motion.
Derrick DeHann motioned to approve the Fallon Historical Society use our benches. Eddie Coulter seconded the
motion. The motion carried. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Vaughn also wanted to remind the board of the Grid United cycle in November. There is up to $50,000 on the
table. Plus, the MT Non-Profit is having a meeting on September 19th with lunch provided. You can register on the
SMART Facebook page. Fair he thought was great other than the sound issues at the concert that they got fixed.
7:09PM Vaughn Zenko left the meeting.
2024 FAIR RECAP-Wendy Wagner wanted to bring up the Patio Band. They didn’t play for very long. She had to
go get them the 1 night and they didn’t play the full 2 hours. Matt said there isn’t much we can do now as it’s
over, but we cannot get them again. We will double-check the contracts closer on those next time. Otherwise,
everyone thought it was a good Fair.
Commissioner Braun
It was a great Fair. We got to fine tune the sound more. We got the normal “Fair Rain”. He stated we do have a
tarp and wondered if we could put it down before Fair. Wendy stated maybe we could 2 weeks prior to Fair.
Jennefer did state that as with the rest of the buildings we do close them for most of the month of August to prep
for the Fair. Commissioner Braun stated if it’s a manpower thing we can get it and help put it down. We maybe
won’t get rain then. Eddie stated that it didn’t call but for a quarter of an inch and that would’ve helped us not
the amount we did get. Commissioner Braun asked what the hardest part of the tarp is. Eddie stated that is
getting the rain back off it to roll it up. Wendy asked if it could be left inside the Arena. Eddie said no it couldn’t.
Everyone agreed that we could do it further in advance to keep all out events here on the grounds. Other than
the other silly rumors it was a great Fair Commissioner Braun stated again. Saturday’s rodeo was well attended.
Julie Post stated you all do a great job. Eddie Coulter let everyone know he had Baker Metal fix the roller packer.
He talked with Mitch at the shop, and he didn’t think they had time to do it.
Matt asked if there was anything else we needed to discuss. Matt asked for a motion to recess to adjourn.
Julie Straub let the Board know that she sent out a note late today about the Extension office hosting a Board
training at the Senior Center on September 19th at 6PM. She encouraged all to attend.
Next Meeting: Monday September 16, 2024, 6:30 pm at the Fair Office
7:22 PM Justin Koenigsfeld made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Eddie Coulter seconded the motion. The motion
carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
s/ Matt Plaisted, Chairman
s/Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving