Fair Board Minutes – August 5th 2024
Monday, August 5, 2024
PRESENT: Matt Plaisted, Chairman, Wendy Wagner Vice-Chairman, Justin Koenigsfeld, Derrick DeHaan, Eddie
Coulter, Jennefer Wheeler Fairgrounds Manager
GUESTS: Nikki Stieg, Missy Thielen, Wiley Thielen, Whitney Thielen, David Kirschten, Kodi Olsen
Matt Plaisted called the meeting to order.
Wendy Wagner motioned to approve the August 5, 2024, Fair Board Agenda. Eddie Coulter seconded
the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Justin Koenigsfeld motioned to approve the July 15, 2024, minutes. Derrick DeHaan seconded the motion. The
motion carried. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Jennefer let the Board know that Curt Huschka will be here Monday of Fair week for anything that is needed,
and he is finishing up a few feeds, etc. Wild West will maybe be dropping off 1 trailer tonight. Mutton Bustin
buckles, and Hat feathers are in. The WSSRA sanction rules are in your folders to read for the Ranch Bronc ride.
Aubrey Kirschten has agreed to sing the National Anthem for us. We will need someone to check the pit
entrance and put on bracelets. Wendy said she would do that, and Matt and others said they would help too.
Jennefer asked Eddie if he’s seen the Cinch sponsorship. Eddie will get that over to her. Also, is everyone ok
with the TETWP again. Jeff Frank with the Landfill called today and asked where we want the Containers for
garbage sat.
Whitney Thielen asked if she could pull her animals out before Sunday due to leaving for College on Sunday. She
also asked if it would be ok to take her brother Wiley’s home that evening also. The Board agreed that it would be
fine. Kodie Olson 4H asked though that it is not during the sale. Dave and Kodie had a few things they wanted to
cover. The Barn Set up went very well. They discussed different ways to mark panels to know how to put them
together better in the future. They had a Food booth workshop the day of set up beforehand. Jolinda taught them
the basics. Jennefer asked if they remembered the Food Vouchers. Yes, they did discuss those. The Show Em
Jackpot went well, and the sound system worked well. Do we have a vet lined up. Yes, Jennefer has Heather
Grimes will be here Wed/Thursday for check ins. Dave asked if they could make a ramp from the bathrooms and
kitchen area into the arena. We will need new pallets for the panels as one broke during set up. We have plenty
we can change out. Eddie asked if there was room for the Auction block and Dave stated yes. They will start load
out about 9:30 am.
6:56PM Whitney, Wiley, Missy Thielen, Dave Kirschten and Kodie Olson left the meeting.
No one appeared for Public Comment
2024 FAIR
Bar Bids-Thee Garage is maybe not going to do the bar. Wendy said Well then we won’t have a bar.
Sponsors-There is a printout of the Sponsors that we have so far. Wendy stated she will bring a check in
this week for the Fallon County Wild Game Feed also.
Motels-We have the Medicine Rocks Lodge for all the Stock Contractors, etc.
Night Show Camper-Jennefer has a camper for TigirlilyGold as Chancey will be using his own bus. Janice
Moser is donating hers for our concert.
Vet-Heather Grimes as discussed in the Extension report.
Other-Nikki and Jennefer are asking if any of the Board members will be available to help park food vendors, etc.
We are so busy with Open Class stuff and prep for the Rodeo it gets to be too much for us to handle. Wendy said
she would be around after they serve breakfast each day to help. Scooters will need to be picked up in Billings.
Matt Plaisted said he will be able to run up and grab them Wednesday. Jennefer asked how many flag girls we will
need. Eddie said 2 with Miss Rodeo Montana will work.
Night Show Pit Fence-Jennefer added a picture of the white fence she was talking about for the pit. The board
agreed that will work so much nicer and be easier to handle.
Light Towers-Jennefer asked if we have light towers or if she needed to contact anyone. Eddie said Mitchell’s is
bringing them Monday.
RMAF/IAFE/PRCA Conventions- Jennefer said I know this is far out but to get rooms booked she would like a sort
of headcount. Matt and Derrick are in for RMAF, IAFE Wendy, Matt, Derrick would like to go. Jennefer let them
know that PRCA and IAFE coincided this year. Matt stated that we could start at IAFE and if Jennefer is good with
it, he would fly up to Vegas and Jennefer. Wendy and Derrick can stay and get the rest of any ends tied up at
IAFE. Sounds good she will work on reservations. Matt reminded them he is leaving at noon Sunday of Fair.
Night lockup-Wendy said she will take Friday and Saturday. Jennefer will lock up Wednesday, Thursday and
Wendy brought up that she thinks we should dedicate Saturday to Ann Kreager since she was the Fair Secretary
for a lot of years. Jennefer said she will work on getting something written up about her and if she can get a hold
of her kids.
Banners will be on Sunday at 4PM. Breakfast is 6-8 am on Wednesday and Thursday. It will be a different truck
this year. Jennefer offered her Camp Chef Griddle if needed. Brats on Thursday and Saturday.
The Board then went out and looked where the Dinos, Wild West Show and food vendors would all go.
Matt asked if there was anything else we needed to discuss. Matt asked for a motion to recess to adjourn.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 6:30 pm at the Fair Office
7:43 PM Derrick DeHaan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Justin Koenigsfeld seconded the motion. The motion
carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
s/ Matt Plaisted, Chairman
s/Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager