10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fair Board Minutes –January 22nd 2024

Fair Board Minutes –January 22nd 2024

Monday, January 22, 2024
PRESENT: Matt Plaisted, Chairman, Wendy Wagner, Eddie Coulter, Justin Koenigsfeld, Derrick DeHaan, Fair
Board Members, Jennefer Wheeler Fairgrounds Manager
GUESTS: Lane Straub
Matt Plaisted called the meeting to order.
Justin Koenigsfeld motioned to approve the January 22, 2024, Fair Board Agenda. Wendy Wagner
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Eddie Coulter motioned to approve the December 18, 2023, minutes. Derrick DeHaan seconded the motion.
The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Jennefer gave the Board the past and present happenings at the Fairgrounds. The light pole is a bit more. There
are broken wires also. I also asked them for the bigger light like Commission had asked. Commission is in loop
and we will go from there. TetonRidge/The American Rodeo person called and I put information in your folders
on this. They looked at our daysheets from our Rodeo and such and were wondering if we would be interested
in hosting an event here. Eddie Coulter stated he didn’t feel that we could pull off 2 big rodeos so close
together. The rest of the Board said they would agree with Eddie. Jennefer will let them know that we don’t
have the manpower to do so. Circuit Finals was cold. But it went well. We were 1 off 11 that sponsored the
Hospitality Room. We again won Large Rodeo of the year. A couple of the contestants spoke about what makes
them want to enter rodeos. Baker’s name was brought up in most all of the top reasons why. Commission has
asked for our recommendations on we want the Bidder to do to remove the old Exhibit Hall. Jennefer will email
them all the points we discussed. Also, they are wondering how we felt about the trucks parking. Eddie said
that it’s been a discussion since he started on the Board. He doesn’t feel it’s that bad as most all of them move if
we have events. Matt talked that if we put up signs are we going to cause more parking. Everyone agreed that
it’s ok as long as it’s not long term. No one felt signs would help or wanted to post them.
No one from 4H or Extension appeared for report updates.
Jennefer asked Lane Straub-Straub Heating to come and explain the heat questions and quotes he had made for
the Barn. Lane explained the difference between Radiant Heat and Unit Heaters. The radiant ones would cause
the rain shower effect and more humidity and there is nothing for them to warm. The Unit heaters would heat
around 60ft area. Wendy asked if you add fans would it move heat around more. Lane suggested we find out
what the pressure of our gas line is from MDU coming into the barn. Would need to be high pressure piping.
Then you could put units around and you will still have some areas that are not warm but it would warm it up
more. More discussion and questions were asked and Lane Straub left the meeting.
Eddie said that he talked to Shane and may be better to do the event in October or November. Derrick DeHaan
said that he felt we would get better attendance with Broncs. Eddie said not in the barn as it’s too narrow and they
come out and hit the walls and quit bucking. The Board had heard great things about the Bulls and think it does
take time to build on these. Everyone agreed it was a hard weekend but is there going to be a “good” weekend.
We have lots of time to think about if we want to host it again.
Jennefer will resend them to everyone to look over and we can discuss at the next meeting. Justin Koenigsfeld he
still has his copy.
7:00 PM 2024 FAIR
Looked over the bid on Freestage Act. Wendy asked about the plushies again also they have another Fair
named on the quote and Jennefer will call them and talk to them about the contract. We will put the
Purse on the next Agenda.
Bar/Food Bids-No bids came back. Jennefer will call Wayne about the food part. Wendy will talk to a couple of
the bars and Matt will talk to another. Jennefer asked if we were good to do the Silent Auction of the Wooden
Carvings from Fair. Matt said he will help bring them up. Also, we will need these floor monitors for his act. Josh
Lewis in IT looked up what would be compatible and reasonable for pricing.

Ticket Prices for Event-$35/person and $50 for a couple is what we did last time.
Eddie Coulter motioned to approve to have Josh Lewis IT buy the monitors for the Event and the ticket prices.
Wendy Wagner seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Matt asked if there was anything else we needed to discuss. Matt asked for a motion to adjourn.
Next Meeting: Tuesday February 20, 2024, 6:30 pm at the Fair Office
7:21 PM Justin Koenigsfeld made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Derrick DeHaan seconded the motion. The
motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
s/ Matt Plaisted, Chairman
s/Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving