10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fair Board Minutes – June 17th 2024

Fair Board Minutes – June 17th 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024
PRESENT: Matt Plaisted, Chairman, Wendy Wagner Vice-Chairman, Justin Koenigsfeld, Derrick DeHaan, Eddie
Coulter Fair Board Members, Jennefer Wheeler Fairgrounds Manager
GUESTS: Julie Straub, Darick Gorder, Polly Davis
Matt Plaisted called the meeting to order.
Wendy Wagner motioned to approve the June 17, 2024, Fair Board Agenda. Justin Koenigsfeld
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Eddie Coulter motioned to approve the May 20, 2024, minutes. Derrick DeHaan seconded the motion. The
motion carried. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Jennefer gave the Board the past and present happenings at the Fairgrounds. Shots and Strokes and the Ladies
Association tourneys asked if we would like to donate again for door prizes. Last time we gave them tickets to
the concert.
Wendy Wagner motioned to approve of giving both tournaments 2 concert tickets. Eddie Coulter
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Jennefer will print them up vouchers and let them know they can redeem them when ticket sales start.
Slamabama wanted to know if we wanted them for 2025. After much discussion the board decided to wait as
we are in full 2024 mode and we will get them back in the future. Jennefer asked Eddie what dates work best for
him for the Cowboy Channel Kick Off call. He said the 25 or 26th. The last week of June the Arena sound system
will start being put in. If anyone knows anyone going to Dickinson and back Thursday or Friday let me know. We
need to bring a lift over for the installation.
Nothing to report from Extension.
Darick Gorder and Polly Davis with the AAU Demolition Derby Club were in attendance. Darick Gorder had a few
questions for the Board. Not as much dirt moving. It’s ok if we don’t do as much as last year but it was nice with
the rain. Eddie said we probably won’t take as much down as we did but we can use the tarp if needed and it
does rain. Darick wondered if there is any more, they need to do. Cowboy Church will always be part of Sunday
morning and they will keep doing check ins at Gazebo. Last year worked great with no church. Jennefer did state
that they had raised their prices. We have cleaners that will be here also to help through Tuesday. Not like last
year. But Eddies states to watch the weather, we will pack about half as much out and Matt said yes, they will
pull half out and pack that in like the previous years. Jennefer will get them the contract this week. Darick and
Polly left the meeting at 6:43pm.
2024 FAIR
Bar Bids-Jennefer let them know that no bids were received. Wendy stated that one bar is deciding.
Demolition Derby- this was moved to Public Comment
Vendor/Merchandise Contracts-Jennefer added an insert to the folders of all the merchandise and food
vendors they have had pay and are interested. Wendy and Eddie both want the pizza truck and Jennefer
will keep trying but he wasn’t sure on the distance and things either.
Sponsors-Jennefer added a copy of those that already have submitted their sponsorship.
Motels-Bunkhouse, campers, etc. Jennefer stated that motels are still scarce. We have 4 at the
Sagebrush right now. We will call Pam later in July and hope that we can fill hers up. She would know
closer. Wendy was going to also talk to her. Jennefer said the Bunkhouse in Marmarth, ND is available.
Eddie said that they did use it one time at MT High School Finals, but we will see. Wendy suggested
Lacinda Huether.
Fair Schedule-Please look over and we will fix all the changes so that it can be finalized. We moved a
couple events around as we will be keeping all Fair events at the Fairgrounds this year. Eddie suggested we
move the Ranch Bronc ride to 7PM. Steer Roping will be Wednesday morning and Breakaway that
evening. The board discussed what days they will be serving breakfast for the contestants.
Advertising-KFLN/Times-Jennefer added to the folders the bids on our advertising for these 2 entities. Jennefer
did state that there were a lot of extra programs and maybe we could go down a bit. Eddie suggested 750 and
everyone on the board agreed. Matt entertained a motion for each of them.
Wendy Wagner motioned to the Times ads as presented with 750 programs. Derrick DeHaan seconded the
motion. The motion carried. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Wendy Wagner motioned to the KFLN/KJJM ads as presented. Eddie Coulter seconded the motion. The motion
carried. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Night Show Camper-Wendy suggested Moore’s, Eddie suggested Janice Moser. Jennefer will try those.
She would offer hers, but we may need it for people to stay in.
Vet Resignation-ideas on who else. Eddie talked with Nathan Beck, and he will do the Rodeo part of it. Wendy
suggested Long Pines Vet in Ekalaka and Eddie said to hold off he would talk with Shelby.
Budget Meeting is 6/20 @3PM-Matt will try to attend, Derrick can, Wendy will not be able to.
Matt met a guy in Jordan at the Xtreme Broncs that would be interested in bringing his hat trailer to Baker.
Jennefer said if they get her the contact information we will call and see if we can get him. Jennefer asked who to
contact about the Dakota Bank ATM. She said Monica will have 2 ATM’s here and Wendy asked the Board if they
thought they would need another. At this time, we will use the 2 that we have. Eddie let Jennefer know the tires
for the side by side(s) are in. We can change them or run what we have until they are flat or need to change.
Matt asked if there was anything else we needed to discuss. Matt asked for a motion to recess to adjourn.
Next Meeting: Monday July 15, 2024, 6:30 pm at the Fair Office
7:07 PM made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Derrick DeHaan seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0
Nays. 0 Absent.
s/ Matt Plaisted, Chairman
s/Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager

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