10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fallon County Council on Aging Meeting – February 2023

Fallon County Council on Aging Meeting – February 2023

Fallon County Council on Aging

Special Meeting – February 15, 2023 – Baker Senior Center

The February meeting of Fallon County Council on Aging was called to order by president, Betty Mueller. Ten members were present:  Betty Mueller, Rose Straub, Nikki Verke, Robert Boggs, Alice Kay Schweigert, Lyle Neary, Susan Newell, Erna Greenlee, LaVerne Schell, and Gary Lang. Also present was Carla Brown, Council on Aging Director and Marci Breitbach, Council on Aging Administrative Assistant.

There being no additions or corrections noted for the August 23, 2022 meeting, Susan Newell made a motion to approve the minutes. Robert Boggs seconded. Motion carried.


A final review of the MDT Transit 5311 Operating Grant for FY2024 was accomplished. Carla stated that the grant is due March 1, 2023.

LaVerne Schell made a motion to approve the FY2024 Coordination Plan. Susan Newell seconded. Motion carried.

The Preventive Maintenance Plan, Program Complaint Procedures, and the Nondiscrimination Policy Statement & Complaint Procedures were presented for review. Carla stated that these documents do not need to be submitted with the FY 2024 grant, but need to be on file in the office and readily accessible for review if so requested by the MDT, FTA or State Auditors.

Setting aside their duties as the Transportation Program Lead Agency . . .


Marci gave a brief update about the SAIL Fitness Program. She shared several success stories from individual participants.

Robin Miller’s retirement party was held on December 28, 2022.


Carla spoke about staffing changes in the Transportation Program. Chelsea Lindsey is the new permanent bus driver. She joins Paula Fuchs as a permanent part-time employee. Doug Wenz and Melissa Ploeger were hired as new substitute drivers, joining Greg Gunderson, Janice Buck, and Tiffany Davis. These employees are all considered intermittent drivers, whose primary purpose is to aid in the provision of out-of-town medical transportation.

We have recently received several program-specific donations. Carla spoke about the benefit of being able to have additional resources available to assist individuals who are in need of receiving services.

Research on a new meal packaging system for the home delivered meal program has been completed in recent months. Carla recently presented the information to the Fallon County Commissioners. They approved purchasing the system. An in-depth discussion followed on various aspects of meals on wheels delivery.

A legal notice for solicitation of congregate and home delivered meals bids will be placed in the Fallon County Times in April. Bids received will be opened at our next regular board meeting.

The monthly activity logs for August through December of 2022, as well as January of 2023, were discussed.


Carla spoke briefly about the Commodity Supplemental Food Program. She shared information about how the supply chain shortages have been impacting the items available for distribution to the commodity recipients.  She also spoke about the loss of commodity slots across the state. Locally we lost three slots, and are now only authorized to serve 15 participants.

A discussion was held on how much of a benefit the Community Cupboard, which is housed in the Baker Senior Center building, is to our community. The Catholic Church continues to be a very generous donor to the Community Cupboard.   

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.

A delicious lunch was served by Rose Straub.

-s-BETTY MUELLER                                                                 -s-MARCI BREITBACH

Betty Mueller, President                                                         Marci Breitbach, Secretary

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, May 2, Baker Senior Center, 2:00 p.m.

Hostess: LaVerne Schell.

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving