10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Little Beaver Conservation District Minutes – January 2024

Little Beaver Conservation District Minutes – January 2024

Little Beaver Conservation District Minutes

January 4th, 2024

Came to order: 5:30 pm

Present: Kodie Olsen, Roddy Rost, Quentin Burdick, Fred Houzvicka (on phone), Michelle Gorder o Kodie made a motion to excuse Melissa, Keith and Dirk, Quentin seconded.

Minutes: The minutes from the December meeting were approved.

Financial Information: Quentin made a motion to pay the bills as presented, Kodie seconded, motion passed. The following bills were paid.

  • Hwy 12 Equipment- December storage rent- $300.00
  • Mid-Rivers Communications- WiFi -$38.10
  • Federal Tax Deposit -$406.84 (online)
  • Stephanie Crisler -$1,819.08
  • Montana State withholding -$84.00 OL
  • City of Baker -$20.30
  • Rachel’s Accounting -$155.00
  • Keith Rustad -$279.25
  • Melissa Foster -$65.51
  • Dirk O’Connor -$106.11
  • Roddy Rost -$252.83
  • Kodie Olsen -$136.90
  • Fred Houzvicka -$225.32
  • Quentin Burdick -$55.02
  • Lake County CD -$3,849.88
  • Broadwater CD -$3,990.91
  • Gallatin CD -$1,770.45
  •  Kay Webb -$1,085.75

Old Business:

  • Stephanie mentioned she will put an ad in the newspaper requesting bids for the spring/summer build for the new building and tree shed. Also, she will get the bid packets out and have on the desk for contractors to pick up.

New Business:

  • Stephanie Discussed the stuff with the Soil Corp Grant and asked about attending the Soil Health Symposium in Billings in February. She also discussed tree sales.

Public Comment: Bob Woods came and discussed the building project.

Other Business:

  • DNRC-CBD: Veronica Grigaltchik (See Handout)
  • MACD: Roddy Rost
  • NRCS: Michelle Gorder

With no other further business Kodie adjourned the meeting, Quentin seconded. The next monthly meeting of the Little Beaver Conservation District will be held February 1st at 5:30 pm.

s\ Roddy Rost – Chairman

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