10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

North Baker Water and Sewer District Meeting – June 2024

North Baker Water and Sewer District Meeting – June 2024

June 4, 2024

Attendance:  Randy Hoenke, Allan Barth, Ken Griffith, Billie Griffith, Shanya Stoddard

Billie Jo stated that she needed clarification on the RFQ’s so that she could send letters to the firms. Board offered explanation of the Statement of Qualifications and how the process worked. Billie Jo said she would have letters out to the firms tomorrow.

Kyle Rogge (operator) was unable to attend the meeting, but had stated the day prior that everything was running smoothly, no issues to report.

Shanya Stoddard is going to take over for Billie Jo.  At this time they will work together, and Billie Jo will help Shanya learn everything she can, until she is comfortable to take over completely.

We are needing to raise our rates to continue to run efficiently and have money for expenses that arise, and keep pace with the rising costs.  The Board agreed to a 5% increase so that we can advertise in the paper without a formal public hearing. This will be sent out to all customers with the CCR this month. (See attached Notice of Intent)


WHEREAS, the cost of materials, labor, power, and other operating expenses have increased since the existing rates were established in 2021.  Present operating revenues are not sufficient to meet the requirements to properly operate, maintain and upgrade service to the North Baker Water & Sewer District (NBWSD) water and sewer utility systems.

WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase the rates and charges for the services provided by the Systems in order to collect sufficient revenues to pay costs associated with the operation, maintenance, and improvements to the Systems;

WHEREAS, the management of the NBWSD is the responsibility of the Board of Directors as proved by Title 7, Chapter 13, Parts 22 & 23, MCA; and

WHEREAS, the NBWSD has authority to increase the water and sewer rates pursuant to 7-13-2275, MCA, when the water and sewer rates are insufficient to properly operate, maintain and upgrade service to the NBWSD water and sewer utility systems maintain the water and sewer system.  A public hearing is not required, §7-13-2275(5) MCA, for a cumulative rate increase of less than or equal to 5% within a 12-month period if the board provides notification of the increase to persons within the District on whom the rate will be imposed at least 10 days prior to the passage or enactment of the ordinance or resolution implementing the increase. 

WHEREAS, the NBWSD, will consider a Resolution to increase the water and sewer rates by 5% at their regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. and the increase to be effective immediately following the meeting, as follows:

Current Residential Water RatesProposed Residential Water Rates
Water GallonsRateRate
Up to 1000 minimum$26.7528.00
Per 1000 gallons above 1000  $11.28$11.84

Current Commercial Water RatesProposed Commercial Water Rates
Base rate – Up to 1000$73.50$77.15
Base rate – Up to 1000$183.75$192.90
Base rate – up to 1000$315$330.75
Per 1000 gallons over 1000$11.28$11.84
Current Residential Sewer RatesProposed Residential Sewer Rates
Water GallonsRateRate
Up to 1000$36.75$38.55
Per 1000 gallons  $7.71$8.10
Current Commercial Sewer RatesProposed Commercial Sewer Rates
Up to 1000 minimum$99.75$104.70
Per 1000 gallons$7.71$8.10

All usage shall be rounded up to the nearest 1000 gallons.

PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 4th day of June 2024 by the Fallon County North Baker Water and Sewer District Board of Directors.


s\ President


s\ Secretary

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving