10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Noxious Weed Board 11/2022 Minutes

Noxious Weed Board 11/2022 Minutes

Dale Butori, Sara Berger, Wanda Pinnow (called in) & Roddy Rost, Dave Kirschten, Pete Rising

-Butori called the meeting to order at 7:01pm

-Pinnow moved to accept the minutes, Butori 2nd. 5 ayes 0 nays – motion passed

-There were no question or concerns with the budget

-Butori introduced Dave Kirschten as the newest board member. He asked if everyone had copies of the Fallon County Weed Plan and the State Weed Law. Some did not, Berger noted that she would get everything emailed out this week.

-Berger explained the winter work list and monthly duties – they are just what she does throughout the year. Pinnow had requested this so that the board was aware of what was going on and what Berger may need help with.

-Berger handed out printouts of the cost shares and the bills. No bills were a red flag this year with the exception of the BLM bill. Crawford’s had a commercial applicator come in and spray who was told to turn his bill into Fallon County per BLM and Berger would add it to hers and then reimburse him for his cost. Butori noted that Berger should meet with Brenda and explain this to her before we get an invoice from the commercial applicator.

-Butori explained the billing for the new board members. Bills go out at the end of November and beginning of December; after 30 days a reminder is sent out for bills not paid, 60 days a 2nd reminder and at 90 days the board has the option to remove the cost share. DNRC is sent an invoice for $1750 before the spray season starts and then the department will spray up to that amount of DNRC lands.

-Rising moved to accept the 2022 Cost Shares, Rost 2nd. Pinnow did not vote due to not seeing the cost shares. 4 ayes 0 nays – motion passed

-Berger brought up that the Extension Office will offer the Winter Ag Series on January 18, 2023, in Baker.

-Rost moved to adjourn the meeting

Meeting adjourned at 7:26pm

s/ Dale Butori (Chairman)                                                                                                 
s/ Sara Berger (Coordinator)

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving