10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

O’Fallon Museum Board – Meeting Minutes February 2024

O’Fallon Museum Board – Meeting Minutes February 2024

O’Fallon Museum Board


February 21, 2024

Present Absent Toni Reetz, Trustee Ken Griffith, Trustee

Linda Rost, Secretary

Melissa Rost, Curator

Curt Williams, Chairman

Cheyanne Dame, Trustee


The meeting was called to order by Curt at 4:00 pm at the O’Fallon Museum metal building.

Public Comment:  Time limit 10 minutes per subject.

Minutes: Read by trustees. 

Curt made a motion to approve minutes and Cheyanne seconded. Minutes approved.

Discussion of Curator’s Report

  • Berlin Wall – 6th graders – Video
  • Carl Hepperle – Coming in to tell 6th graders about when the High School burned down.
  • Superior Care last week
  • Heritage Fest – Updates – June 1, 2024 from 10-3
    • Bogey BBQ – $190 of roasted pork for 1.5 roasters
    • Rost Raptor Ranch – YES!
    • Milk cows – Ashley Moore has milk cows; Simulator milk cow?
    • Diane – Indigenous games
    • Family Bluegrass Band – Figuring It Out – from Minnesota $2000 to play
      • Band with nine siblings
      • Insurance policy for one day for certificate of liability – $200
    • Emailed Blacksmith – Hasn’t answered
    • Vendors – Jeanie Tronstad, Molly Barkley, Mary Grube
    • Cowboy Poet – Carson Houser – emailed but hasn’t answered
    • Portable Stage for pocket park – Might be able to use it.
    • Randy Hanson – Presentation on maps and history
  • Mary Bradbury – May 5 – Humanities Montana – Living History presentations
    • Should be paid for
    • Maybe have them do something for Heritage Fest
  • Traci has a much stricter schedule to have more summer hours – has been catching up on accessions
    • Starting to advertise summer positions – start at $16/hour
    • Doing the job fair at high school – April 24, 2024
  • MAM Conference in March in Lewistown – On board, so doing two presentations
    • Signed Traci up to do it also – carpool and share a room
    • Can each go to different sessions
  • PAR Update for Renovations – Talked about planning it in phases to lessen immediate costs.
    • Next steps – public meetings for public input; community input is part of the process.
    • Zoom Meeting March 7, 2024 at 9 am via zoom.
  • Budget for this year – What could be done with Purchased Services? Perhaps concrete?
    • Maybe light and heat block building
    • Slat walls
    • Movable walls
    • Minutes from 6/26/22 show the list of to-do items

New Business

  • Accessions – Those voted yes are indicated. Toni made a motion and Linda seconded. Motion passed.
    • County – Drafting set – yes 
    • Patty Morris – cameras, hair cutting, hair clippers, camera lights – yes to all
    • Jake Wagner wants to loan a gun – Lane and Read 52 caliber rifle – Oglala Sioux – Table this.
      • Concern: Big move to repatriate Indigenous artifacts
      • Appraised by The Guns of History, Inc – Belonged to “Knife” 

Next Meeting: 


_______________________________ __________________________________

s\ Curt Williams, Chairman     s\ Recording Secretary, Linda Rost, Trustee

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