10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

O’Fallon Museum Board – Meeting Minutes March 2023

O’Fallon Museum Board – Meeting Minutes March 2023

O’Fallon Museum Board


March 5, 2023

Present Absent

Curt Williams, Chairman Rod Johnson, Trustee

Toni Reetz, Trustee

Ken Griffith, Trustee

Linda Rost, Secretary

Melissa Rost, Curator


The meeting was called to order by Curt at 3:11 pm at the O’Fallon Museum metal building.

Public Comment:  Time limit 10 minutes per subject.

Minutes: Read by trustees. 

Ken made a motion to approve amended minutes and Toni seconded. Minutes approved.

Discussion of Curator’s Report

  • Rec Dept – Melissa joined board
    • Camp would cost $300 to have the assistant do art camp
    • STEM camp – LifeStraw and Mission to the Moon
      • Sarafina Claeys – NRCS
      • Kodie Olsen – Extension
    • Need $900 total – so half from Historical Society and half from Donations
  • Heritage Fest – Petting zoo with Rost Raptor Ranch and Baker FFA; SMART grant for advertising.
  • Coordinate Steer MT’s 100th birthday with 100th anniversary with fair.
    • Brochures, giveaways, cake.
  • January – 3rd graders did Morse Code bracelets – Fun Friday
  • February – 6th grade did BHS fire presentation with Carl Hepperle; Berlin Wall presentation; “Fallon County Famous”; Research on self-guided topics.
  • Superior Care – senior programming – photos and artifacts related to snow and cold
  • Volunteer Appreciation Dinner with Chamber – April at Exhibit Hall – donations funds for expenses
  • Baker Arts and Culture Council – “Little Free Art Gallery” – Put out artwork for people to switch.
  • Working on short video of the history of Fallon County – Use historical photos and live footage
    • Time periods: Native American period, Exploration, Open Range Days, Railroad, County Development, Homestead Days, Oil & Gas, Present
    • Use the video as a place to start the tour
  • Go to Helena for Made in Montana Tradeshow in Friday and then Missoula for MAM Board Meeting Tuesday.
  • Might have to take money from another line item to cover some of Traci’s hours.
  • Attendance – 75 for January and 64 for February. FB post reach – 1641.

Old Business

  • Curt – contacted original guy on wagon and price changed; now have to take boxings out to fix it.

New Business

  • New display case from Belle Fourche museum – Free! – Could use for fossils and other artifacts

Next Meeting: April 23rd in the Steel Building at 3 pm.

Adjournment:  3:45 pm by Curt Williams, Chairman

s/ Curt Williams, Chairman    
s/ Recording Secretary, Linda Rost, Trustee

Welcome to our NEW website address: FALLONCOUNTYMT.GOV
Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving