10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

O’Fallon Musuem Board Minutes November 13 2022

O’Fallon Musuem Board Minutes November 13 2022

O’Fallon Museum Board


November 13, 2022

Present Absent

Curt Williams, Chairman Linda Rost, Secretary

Toni Reetz, Trustee

Ken Griffith, Trustee

Melissa Rost, Curator

Ashli Wiedmer, member of the public


The meeting was called to order by Curt at 3:00 pm at the O’Fallon Museum metal building.

Public Comment:  Time limit 10 minutes per subject.

Minutes: Read by trustees. Motion made to approve minutes by Curt and seconded by Kenny. Minutes approved.

Accessions – Votes shown after each item and highlighted in yellow

  • Myron Williams loaned railroad memorabilia

Discussion of Curator’s Report

  • 88 attended Night at the Museum. Melissa held Spooky Tours for 6th graders. 120 for Trunk or Treat
  • The museum will decorate a tree for Christmas in the Park. The following Sunday we will start “Christmas at the Museum” on Sundays in December and our theme will be “Winter Wonderland.”
  • Melissa is offering a lesson to the elementary school classes from the MT Jewish project
  • We got five participants from Superior Care Villa for our oral history project. 605 Media and Entertainment is doing post production.
  • The awning is finished. Robbie will put up the bulletins. Baker Metal will do the sign for the front of the awning.
  • Monica King had a question about the garage on their property, what was the business there.
  • Jorja Hanes had a question about someone dying upstairs in their house. We were able to answer their questions. 
  • Melissa will be gone December 3 through 11th.

Old Business

  • None

New Business

  • None

Next Meeting: TBD

Adjournment:  4:00 pm by Curt Williams, Chairman

s\ Curt Williams, Chairman     s\ Acting Secretary, LaTonne Reetz, Trustee

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving