10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Public Notice – Drafting Fallon County Cattle Guard Policy

Public Notice – Drafting Fallon County Cattle Guard Policy

The Fallon County Commission is drafting a policy on Cattle Guards.

Members of the public are encouraged to bring any questions, concerns, or input regarding this topic for discussion to the Commission during the Public Comment portion of their sessions – or

Contact the Fallon County Commission:
Kevin Braun, Chairperson, District 1: 406-978-2704
Roy Rost, District 2: 406 978-2213
Mandi Varner, District 3: 406-891-0314
email: [email protected]

ATTN: Fallon County Commission
PO BOX 846
Baker, MT 59313

1-7-2025 UPDATED

  1. The Fallon County Commissioners may install cattle guards on County Roads when it deems it appropriate, either upon request of a landowner, upon the recommendation of the road supervisor, or upon its own initiative.  The decision whether to install or to remove a cattle guard in Fallon County lies within the discretion of the Fallon County Commission. 
  1. If a landowner is requesting the installation of a new cattle guard, the landowner shall submit a Fallon County Encroachment Permit with map of the location.  The Commission shall waive the permit fee in the case of requests for cattle guards.   
  1. The permit will not be approved if it diminishes the safety of the traveling public, or the ability of Fallon County road crews to maintain that section of road.  The permit will generally not be approved if the road serves one individual or the needs can be met with a less expensive alternative, such as a gate. 
  1. The Fallon County Commissioners will hold a public hearing for taxpayers to voice their opinion regarding the proposed cattle guard. Based on the input from the public meeting and recommendations from the County Road Supervisor, the Commissioners shall either grant permission for a new cattle guard or deny the request.   
  1. Fallon County shall pay for the cost of the cattle guard and installation.  The Cattle Guard is the property of Fallon County. 
  1. The installation and maintenance of cattle guards will be performed by the Fallon County Road Department. The landowner may not perform any maintenance or service of cattle guards on County roads. Any person or entity that performs any work on cattle guards other than the Road Department shall be liable for any damage, injury or accident caused by cleaning, maintenance, or improper installation of cattle guards.  
  1. Landowner is responsible for attaching their fence to the cattle guards in a safe and reasonable manner. 

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving