10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

EMEDA Commissioner Meeting – June 13th 2023

EMEDA Commissioner Meeting – June 13th 2023

Commissioner Meeting
June 13, 2023 at 6:30pm
SMART Conference Room
Members Present: Chairman Steve Zachmann, Vice Chair Carson Beach, Treasurer Karol Zachmann, Commissioners Melissa Higbee, and “Cookie” Zenko
Members Absent: Tasha Losing
Staff Present: Board Assistant Shannon Johnson
Meeting called to order: 6:32pm by Steve Zachmann

Approval of Last Meeting Minutes: Melissa motioned to approve the minutes from May 10, 2023, with grammar corrections. Cookie seconded. No discussion. Two in favor, one absent. Motion carried.

Public Comment Period (3 minutes per person):

Financial Report: No discussion.

Monthly Claim Forms Review: Total of claims: $7,386.00. Karol motioned to pay claims. Cookie seconded. No discussion. Two in favor, one absent. Motion carried.

Director’s Report: Board members read the included director’s report which talked about childcare updates, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, grants, and the FIG applications.

Guest: John Beach and Brenda Johnson regarding Child Care. Discussion about the need for and importance of childcare in the community was held. John proposes turning his vacant home, Brenda’s home, and an adjacent shop into a childcare campus. His estimate is that it would total roughly $700,000 if the other party went through with selling their shop.

Old Business:
Baker Child Care Project: Discussion was held about the Beach house and nearby properties. Karol made a motion to check into the options for putting something on the existing Nelson land for 60 children. Melissa seconded. Two in favor, one absent. Motion carried.
Façade Improvement Grant Applications Review: Discussion was held about whether J and A would be eligible for the grant since they have an empty building without a business currently in it. Discussion was held about whether some of the updates would be covered under the grant. Carson made a motion to have them resubmit the grant application. Cookie seconded. No discussion. Two in favor, one absent. Motion carried.

Discussion was held about Baker Bowl’s grant application. There were no estimates included with the application. The application was not approved because there were no estimates.

Other Old Business: None

New Business:
Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Discussion: Deferred to next meeting.

Other New Business: None

Karol motioned to adjourn the meeting. Cookie seconded. Two in favor, one absent. Motion carried,
The ANNUAL MEETING is scheduled for July 11, 2023 at 6:30pm in the SMART Conference Room
s\ Vaughn Zenko, Executive Director
s\ Steve Zachmann, Chairman

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving