10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

FMC Corportae Annual meeting – December 2024

FMC Corportae Annual meeting – December 2024

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Curt Arnell, President
Evelyn Neary, Secretary
Dru Burk, Board Member
Del Espinosa, Board Member
Michele Gray, Board Member
Erin Lutts, Board Member
Elaine Stanhope, Board Member

Corporate Members Present: There were 26 Corporate Members in attendance, including the Board of Trustees.

Marjorie Losing, CFO

Judy McWilliams, QAPI Director / Risk Manager
Sandra Reddick, Clinic Manager
Michelle Smith, DON

Curt called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the FMC Dining Room. He went through the structure of the meeting and made Trustee introductions. He then noted he is up for re-election and has served for 3 years. He asked for two volunteers to help Ev Neary, Secretary, tabulate the results of the Trustee Election which was held via mail in ballot. Phyllis DuCharme and Dawnette James volunteered.

II. Marjorie Losing presented the 2024 Fiscal Year-End Financial Report, including revenues, expenses, accounts receivable, debts, capital assets purchased, balance sheet, days cash on hand, foundation results for the year, and community benefits.

III. Judy McWilliams shared the Quality Assurance accomplishments, Healthcare Quality Risk & Compliance Safety Programs, how to interpret the data & which agencies receives our reports. She noted that FMC outscores several of its peers in multiple categories and is the largest employer in Fallon County and has a good tenure record compared with other facilities in its peer group.

IV. Michelle Smith noted that we are at full capacity in the Long-Term Care unit which is good and she is excited about that. She then shared the Mission Statement of FMC and noted that as the largest employer in Fallon County we truly are friends and neighbors helping our community. She discussed leadership, and the diversity in leadership skills that we have to employ at FMC, given such a vast group of staff members. She reminded us about why we are all here, encouraging us to maintain appropriate work standards, and to continue to hold each other accountable to adhere to our mission statement. She discussed the multiple departments and how we all have to work together to maintain a high level of care, and that healthcare is ever-changing and we have to strive to meet that need.

V. Sandra Reddick introduced herself and noted that the clinic staffs three doctors, two mid-levels and three nurses. Sandi works with the providers to look into services and programs that will benefit the community and also help the revenue stream for the facility. She discussed Integrated Behavioral Health and Chronic Care Management and the grants and groups we work with to keep these programs running for the community. She overviewed items that were purchased through these grants to assist community members to help them with telehealth visits, and the requirements to be invited to participate in the programs.

VI. Evelyn Neary, Board Secretary, read the Trustee Election results. There were 291 ballots mailed to members, of which 89 were returned. The nominees were Curt Arnell and Elaine Stanhope. Elaine received 89 votes and Curt received 87 votes. Both will remain on the Board of Trustees.

Curt thanked everyone for attending, encouraging corporation members to come in and ask questions about the facility, and then concluded the meeting.

VII. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

s\ Curt Arnell, President

s \ Heather Schwindt, Recorder

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