Baker Gun Range Board Meeting Minutes – March 10th 2025
Baker Gun Range Board |MEETING Minutes
3-10-25 | 18:00 | Indoor range classroom
Meeting called by Carl Overland Type of meeting Regularly scheduled Facilitator Carl Overland Notes / Timekeeper Marty Setinc | MEMBERS PRESENT Carl Overland Kirk Lineback Matt Webber Marty Setinc | NON-MEMBERS PRESENT Shane Bettenhausen Jim Leischner |
18:03 | Meeting called to order | Carl Overland
Prior month’s meeting minutes were reviewed. No corrections or additions. Minutes approved.
18:05 | Review Old Business | Group
- Open discussion about more damage incurred to rifle range.
- Bowling pin target ideas discussed.
- Bottlecap rimfire shoot scheduled for March 1st.
- Inquiry about wireless internet coverage for pistol and trap scoring.
Old Business Closing
18:15 | Discuss New Business | Group
- Trap club door replaced and all locks keyed alike. New office window installed as well
- Discussed and verified all range board member’s term dates
- 25 shooters for bottle cap competition
- Open discussion about unknown person(s)setting up their own thrower and shooting over the grassy area, leaving their shells behind
- Matt to speak with Sew What about making a sign to see if it will deter the activity
- FWP contacted us about initiatives to bring archery and shooting sports back into the school sports curriculum and would be interested in using the county facility
18:45 | Motion to adjourn made by Matt Webber | Steve Bryan seconded the motion.
Meeting Adjourned – s\ Carl Overland
Events / Action Items | Person responsible | Timeline |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
Additional notes / comments: